It would really help us test the games economic models and the higher-end stuff if there were a way to play against a non-aggressive A.I. Maybe one that was automatically set to only "return fire" or something? Otherwise only the players that have time to play a lot and get really good are going to be able to test out the later techs and more complex economic models. Obviously that doesn't do anything for testing game balance and such, but there's more to it than that
The Gameplay isn't really ready for testing yet, there are many super rough or missing elements still. Mike
Such mode would be welcome and Uber might be able deliver something along those lines before December. If not, I'm sure some modder will be up to the challenge either after or before the "final" release in December. So...hang in there.
At this point I've just talked one of my busier friends into joining a game and then going to watch his kids so I can build in peace I don't know how often that will happen.
The AI is hardly aggressive at the moment... just fence them in with some turrets and walls and fighters, and go and experiment