Perhaps a good way to strengthen Uber Entertainments connection to its players and possibly to help promote the game/increase its popularity would be to hold an official contest for things Mickey Cantor could say in the next update. Interest should be fairly high, because submitting entries is pretty straightforward (simply post them here or on an official entry form Uber Entertainment can make for the masses who dont regular the forums), and it gives people a chance to be part of a game. Uber Entertainment could then just pick 20 or so best entries for the next patch. If you could have Mickey Cantor randomly say something during the course of the game, what would it be? Post here. Winner gets what the winner gets is up to Uber Entertainment. L. Spiro
STOP DISLIKING WHAT I LIKE! I want Mickey to make fun of other games in a subtle way. Such things are always popular. 1. Hat rant. - TF2 2. A rant about using balls of steels as replacements for male castration and mishaps at airports security. - Duke Nukem 3. When a player gets a killstreak going he should "accidentally" say something along the lines of: "Weapon X is ready and able". - Call of Duty 4. Remember to take the vaccine for the poisonous gas (Neurotoxin) the robots let out into the atmosphere during their attempt for global domination - Portal 5. Mickey fends off a zombie onslaught by using the pot of his favorite flower (a sunflower). - Plants vs. Zombies
Randomly, like one every ten games, Mickey Cantor must contend with... NICKY CANTOR! His female arch-nemesis/cyborg spider from future or whatever.. But seriously. Nicky Cantor. She'll sound like a British version of Lady Gaga. Her mascot, Ole Pumpy (A humanoid shotgun that runs around pointing at pros and going 'bang-bang' and yes, he'll have the letters 'OP' on him), will come out and try to dance. He'll have thirty seconds before Bullseye comes out and chases him away. If you kill OP before Bullseye chases him away, your team have 1.25 damage increase for one life. And Mickey Cantor and Nicky Cantor will snipe barbs at each other all through the match, every now and again commenting on this 'Monday Night Combat' thing people keep talking about.
A second host. Someone to comment with him. Someone simmilar in moral integrity but to act with a different set of character flaws. Kinda like Mad World.
Thats a great idea, but I think that tweaking mr.cantor is the least of the things that uber should start working on