Wacky House Rules private games.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by PlumbumTheEpic, November 14, 2010.

  1. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    I want to run some private matches with some really mad rules that make no sense but seem like they could be really fun. From as simple as 'Assassins Only' to as nonsensical as 'Assault/Tank charge only' all the way round to completely off the wall 'Right stick melee and alternate gun grapples only'.

    Anyone in? All that is required is willingness to follow the house rule.

    This thread is just a concept. I do not wish to be the single host for all the games. That means people need to volunteer for hosting.

    Send the host of the next meet a FR if you're in.

    We'll decide the rules we'll use in advance.

    LIST! (GamerTag)
    PlumbumTheEpic (Plumbum 09)
    Snappyguy (Snappyguy)
    Blatant Troll (WaddleDee64)
    FB Zombie Chaos (FB Zombie Chaos)
    That Dutch Guy (IG THOMBOW)
    Current Headcount: 5

    Rule suggestions!

    Feel the Burn: Pro kills can only be acquired with fire from Tank/Gunner jets.
    0 and 0: Can't directly attack pros.
    Straight Edge: Can't use juice.
    Steady, Steady...: Only unscoped sniper rifles.

    Grenade of Grenade Grenade Grenade 2: Only lobbed grenades(excludes Assault's grenade launcher and Support's firebase obviously).

    Smash Bros: Only ring out/Ejector kills.

    For the Team: Cannot upgrade skills or buy juice, all money goes towards bots/turrents/Annihilator/Ejector.

    DON'T ATTACK THE MONEYBALL!: Only bots can damage the moneyball.

    Throws are Cheap: Grapples only.

    Bumper Cars: Read the last post on the first page, I'm not putting all that up here.

    Broken Trigger Finger: Skills, Melee and (alternate weapon) Grapples only

    Gremlin Surfing: Using the 'bounce' from jumping on top of bots, a player must 'surf' Gremlins for as long as possible.

    -Next Meet Details-
    Host: PlumbumTheEpic (Plumbum 09)
    Time: 20:30 to [insert time I pass out from exhaustion here.] Grenwich Mean Time (GMT)
    Date: Sat 18th / Sun 19th Dec.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: December 24, 2010
  2. Snappyguy

    Snappyguy New Member

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    What about forced endorsements; honor rules. Speed, Criticals and Juice all the way :p

    I might if I can fix out my internet. It's really shoddy lately.
  3. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

    Likes Received:
    Go for it! I really want to try this!
  4. Pig Of Denmark

    Pig Of Denmark New Member

    Likes Received:
    I am all up for it myself. Funny thing is sometimes i forget this game does have a melee button :lol:
  5. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    If I were you, I'd wait until the DLC comes out and you can see how much customization that you can do with private games :)

    But yeah, I'm in :D
  6. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

    Likes Received:
    Brilliant for building Juice as Tank or Gunner. ;)

    What rules should we do?
  7. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    Sounds like fun to me, I'm usually up for crazy stuff. I also always have a load of crazy ideas...

    Feel the Burn: Pro kills can only be acquired with fire from Tank/Gunner jets.
    0 and 0: Can't directly attack pros.
    Straight Edge: Can't use juice.
    Steady, Steady...: Only unscoped sniper rifles.

    Grenade of Grenade Grenade Grenade 2: Only lobbed grenades(excludes Assault's grenade launcher and Support's firebase obviously).

    Smash Bros: Only ring out/Ejector kills.

    For the Team: Cannot upgrade skills or buy juice, all money goes towards bots/turrents/Annihilator/Ejector.

    DON'T ATTACK THE MONEYBALL!: Only bots can damage the moneyball.

    Throws are Cheap: Grapples only.

    Yeah, I'm not the most...sane individual out there.
  8. Scias19

    Scias19 New Member

    Likes Received:
    hey PlumbumTheEpic

    sign me up for it i love some crazy stuff
  9. BigMoneyBill

    BigMoneyBill New Member

    Likes Received:
    im in, sounds fun. :D
  10. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I am absolutely up for some private matches of this nature, but I would work on organizing this now, and playing this once the DLC is out.

    Suggestion: Bumper Cars

    Map: LaserRazor or Spunky Cola
    Classes: Tank Only
    Endorsements: Speed/Armor/Skill
    Juice: Off

    -Must always have the Rail Gun Equipped (but never fire it)
    -Can only use the following attacks: Grapple, Melee, Charge (level 1 only), Anhi, Ejectors, Jet Pack flame (NO DEPLOY)
    -Skill Upgrades: Passive 2/3
    -The rest of your cash MUST go to Bouncer Spawns
    -Pros may only melee the money ball or damage it through bouncer spawns
  11. DeceptiveAlarm

    DeceptiveAlarm New Member

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  12. Blatant Troll

    Blatant Troll New Member

    Likes Received:
    I wanna be in this! It seems like fun! I hope we do a Grapple-only battle!

    Gamertag: WaddleDee64
  13. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

    Likes Received:
    I have to ask other people to host because I'm British, so I'm timezone-incompatible, and everyone'd lag if I hosted (and not only because I have a 1/2 mb internet connection).
  14. Cardboardwarior

    Cardboardwarior New Member

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    I'm all for community playdates. I have an idea for a game mode.

    Conga Line Calamity
    Each team forms a conga line of supports healing one another. They must all stay in a tiny part of the arena (center of Grenade III, center of Steel Peel) and attempt to murder one another through airstrikes. It gets tough once people start getting in one anothers way and huge areas of the play area are covered in incoming airstrikes.

    No More Cowards
    All Snipers all the time. Traps and Sniper Rifle is off limits except for when you whip the rifle out for a quick round of golf.
  15. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

    Likes Received:
    I might be able to run one this weekend, since I have as long as I need and about 4 Mb of Interweb connection. All day Saturday GMT. So everyone send out your FRs, and give us some times. (Except Ian, I met you ingame yesterday :) ).
  16. Snappyguy

    Snappyguy New Member

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    I'll send you a request from Xbox.com since I can't get on right now. If you really need to I'll record the voice message later. (Gt is the same)

    I am working on Saturday but that is pretty much everyone elses Friday. I could host if you get desperate because I probably won't quit but you know....Australia :roll:

    I would love to play Bumper Cars and Broken Trigger. ;)
  17. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    Yeah, I had to leave on off of the poll, and I picked BC's because it's arena-dependant.
  18. Cardboardwarior

    Cardboardwarior New Member

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    All day Saturday? I'm gonna miss most of it, I need to work. Hopefully it'll still be going.
  19. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    Remember, this may need to be adjusted for your timezone. For example, America is 5 hours minus to 9 hours minus. So it starts between 11:00 AM and 3:00PM and finishes between 5:00 and 9:00 PM in America.
  20. Snappyguy

    Snappyguy New Member

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    When you figure it out could you say it in GMT. It's easier on everyone that way I think because not everyone knows pacific standard or eastern standard (and I think DLS is on). :?

    I'm up all day and night, dont need long to recharge so plan whatever.

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