I come from the Bad Company 2 forum where we had a very popular thread about games played with or against other forum members (and some other things). Here is the thread from the BC2 forums: http://forums.electronicarts.co.uk/batt ... e-inc.html I decided to start one here since there isn't one on this forum yet. In this thread you can talk about games that you played with or against other members on this forum. You can also post here if you want to find others to play with. I played one and a half game (I got disconnected halfway through the second game) against Kyou Kizu today. I got a few backgrapples on him the first game but in the second he switched from support to tank so killing him got a bit tricky. I hope I'll get into some games with some of the high level pros here once I level up some more.
I've played with and against Sm1tty a couple times, and it was all good fun. More so against because I get to hear him yell at me every time i stab him through the back of the face. ^_^
^This game support proximity voice chat? (As in you can hear the enemy talk when you are in close range)
You don't see a level 82 every day. And I knew that someone on these forums had a wierd japanese/chinese name.
I played two games with ASpence501 and Bumontherun a few minutes ago, ASpence sure does spam slam alot. It was fun, I've also played some games with lllllazzz (or something...) and Vinictus (aka The Dentist) a few days back, I hope that some day I can play against forum players without having a half second lag, than I'll show you how you play assassin. :twisted:
I've played with Bambam, Frankie Godskin, and a few other people who recognized me. Most other people on here who I play with were already on my friends list before I saw them here. Lastly, I apologize to anyone who invited me to a party from here and I yelled at them because I didn't recognize them and thought they were going to ****-talk or something.
Quickly played with some guys from here tonight, some pretty good games minus all the lag and Host Migration matches in between. Sorry I had to go so early but have to get up to work tomorrow so 11:00ish is cut off point. Hopefully on some different days we can play more.
I see my BC2 forum reputation precedes me. I only remember playing with Melts Yur Face a day or so ago. I'm awful with names unless they kill me a lot for multiple rounds, didn't even know he was a forum member until I noticed the name afterward here. :lol:
If anyone here sees me on Live feel free to shoot me an invite. I usually play in a party but most of my friends are 925ers so, I don't have any friends on after 10:30pm!
Played with Shammas on the other team. Got a kick out of that, even if he did kick my arse. Also, Ohno21212 was in one of the games I was in. Other than the name, I don't remember encountering him.
I haven't seen a single person from the forums yet. At least that I've noticed. I have a few of them on my friends list, but all I see them playing is COD. =(
Randomly played 3 rounds with Scathis today, that is if his GT is the same as his username. How do you have such amazing timing with that sniper grapple? 2 out of 3 times I go for the lunge/grapple combo and you beat me to the second part! Good thing I had gold armor that round. :lol: