Hello everybody, I think they should make a page where the community decides what to implement next. For example start with two items: Improve the economy or improve the orbital part of the game. Then the community can decide which one Uber entertainment should focus on. This is not ment to let the community choose everything, but it's ment to let Uber Entertainment decide which features to implement by testing the community what they prefer to have implemented. Of course the features have to be possible to implement. Endless space had it and it is one of the best games I've ever played. I know it's not the same game as PA but it showed its potential through voting. I know there is much influence from the community, but mostly indirectly. This gives a more direct approach while Uber Entertainment is still in full control which features to implement.
The only people who have any idea what will generate the most advancement in the project, are the people at Uber. We don't know the cost of different aspects of the development will net the greatest results in man hours, technical difficulty, or under the hood benefit.
Let's leave it to the professionals to decide what order to implement features. Game developement does not work like a sandwich shop. You cant just dump more hands on one task over another to make it done faster. If anything, certain projects need one man and one man only. Others require the completion of one over the other. Imagine painting your house before doing the plumbing...now you gotta dig up the walls and do it again. We are a community that has funded the creation of a game, but we are not a client that can ultimately control the product, and we shouldnt be. and its "Implement"... not implant.
You should have named this differently than your other thread. Uber doesn't even know what is "next." Development isn't an easy process. Check out the confirmed features list: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/confirmed-features-list-2-0.44950/
No. A lot of votes for something doesn't mean this something is good. It means this something is popular. Crowds are bad at making good decisions. Dev to the devs, game to the gamers !