There are some new protags I'd like to see put into the game. I'm terrible at coming up with names, but I know what I want the protags for. Highlights: Getting a kill with a bot Getting a kill with fire Most bot kills in a single match Most turret kills in a single match Killing a juiced pro (if possible) Hacking an enemy turret Career (Basically things I want to be able to keep track of): Kills by bots (Bouncers, Buzzers, Gapshots, Gremlins, Scramblers) Number of juices Melee kills Fire kills Alternate fire grapple kills (for all but the Assassin obviously) Kills on juiced pros (if possible) Number of enemy turrets hacked All I can think of for now.
Clay-Pigeon is definitely one to consider. Kill a Pro within seconds after grapple 2 or 3. Reverse Clay-Pigeon would also be cool. Kill a Pro within seconds after BEING grappled (by gunner3, assault3, sniper2-3)
More general stuff as well. -Explosive round kills (Sniper) -Overhealed teammate kills (Support) -Jump jet kills (Tank and Gunner, replace the killfeed icon) -Kills while hovering (Assault) -Lunge kills from cloak (Assassin) -Damage done to moneyball
All of these sound good to me. Also, a protag and career count for number of moneyballs you've both dealt the last damage to as well as dealt more than 50% damage to
I've posted my ideas in three threads like this one now. I already made up a protag for the top moneyball damage; BALL BUSTER. Also, a protag for damage done to Bullseye would be fun. Top one would be like, Mascot Milking or something. Maybe that sounds wrong.
Overdose=Juice 7 times in a match, already is there If you are going to add one MR.BIG BUCKS=Build 3 level 3 rocket turrets in 1 match
This may shock you, but I meant "Times Juiced" in career protags. Like juicing 2500 times could be "Juicy" or something.
Killing two players with one clip would be cool something like"two fer One" Headshoting someone overhealed would be cool ,Though nothing sounds right for that one. Killing someone from an assaults bomb while standing in the blast area or a grapple where the other person takes fall damage after for one called "self inflicted injury"