Various Ideas

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by OoPpEe1985, August 25, 2010.

  1. OoPpEe1985

    OoPpEe1985 New Member

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    Well I know many could of been suggested, but not going to read EVERY post.
    I do agree with the Tug-of-War gametype. This game DOES need more gametypes. They have mastered the this gametype. As much as I love the game, it will die out if no other game types are made.
    So some ideas:
    The Tug-of-War - viewtopic.php?f=19&t=1321

    Capture The Moneyball - Think CTF. First you have to get the shields down. Then the ball is able to be grabbed. Person grabbing the ball would get their health reset to full (like you do when you juice yourself) however their speed would be limited. Once dropped it has a 15 second life before getting reset.

    Attack/Defend - can be done already, but make it forced. Basic mode where one team only attacks, other only defends. Defenders get more money bonus' (spawn with more and earn more per event/kill).

    Other suggestions:
    Customization, I was hyped when I saw this in the lockerroom and then dissapointed when I saved up enough and bought it - only to find out it was just simply custom bonus'. Sure it was great but would of been nice to unlock new parts. To balance this obviously no stat boosting armors or anything and nothing that changes the character look too much. Customization is nice, but have to limit it so at quick glance a opposing player can say "Oh that's a support" instead of "what class is that???". A class needs to be recognizable. Some things would be things like female heads (or male in place of assassin) while keeping the dominate appearance traits of the class.
    Assassin will have to remain the ninja/black suited character.
    Gunner will have to keep the big bulky armor look
    Tank would keep the heavy eggshell armor look
    Assault would keep the african american, light armor look
    Sniper keeps the very light armor with small build
    Support keeps the mostly grey medium armor

    Then you can earn things like female heads for each class (and male for assassin in which wouldn't change much but make voice male and add armor over the chest area to "hide" the breasts - so a 100% new model isnt needed to make male assassin). Other things like tattoo's, facepaint, spikes on shoulderpads of Gunner ect ect. Small adjustments you can add to the character without completely altering the character.

    I do also think at least *1* more class could be welcomed. I would say a female class as we have 5 males 1 female. We need a *true* defense class. Support was intended to be that, however he is equal on defense and attacking. He heals his attacking teammates, and also heals the bots. He is a great attacking player (great when juiced healing a attacking jackbot too).
    I was thinking a character like PitGirl - obviously changed (or not). Garage based weapons modified. A blowtorch - functions like a mini flamethrower. Gives defense turrets a armor boost (not health). On enemies, does same effect as the Tanks ray, sets on fire. However has alot less range.
    Nuts and Bolts Gun - if you ever played TF2 think the medics needle gun. Same idea but shoots nuts and bolts. Has medium range, heavy damage close weakens on distance (and the projectiles eventually ark downwards).
    Abilities would be things like the armor upgrade to turrets - either done by the blowtorch similar to the supports healing gun or by having to go up and do it (like hacking the turrets).
    Other ability would be to Open up a turret slot. She can "recycle" a turret thus opening up the slot to replace it with another. Money gets distributed equally amongst team upgradable, this ability would also effect the destroyed turrets, she can speed up the "no build" time opening that slot up quicker (done similar to hacking turret and once done, it opens up). Level one would take something like 15 seconds, 2 would be 10, 3 would be 7.
    EMP grenade, little damage to players but medium to robots and does a stun on them.
    So upgradable abailities - Torch (increase damage/upgrade time), Open Turret Slot, Needle gun Range and slight damage increase, EMP - larger radius and stun time.

    For robot spawning, she would spawn a Blackjack and Slim but upgraded (think Blitz mode when they are green).

    This wouldn't make for the Support being void, she cannot heal turrets at all, thus support is still needed to keep them up. She can help keep them up buy doing a temorary upgrade to their armor which after a few hits will just fall off (something like a few blocks of steel welded onto the turret). She would be a asset in base, EMP planting at a location to stun either a big wave of robots at the moneyball or to stop that Jackbot for a few seconds so your team can capitalize on it. She could also be a asset on attacking too, just not as much. EMP near a turret will disable it for a short while making her useful on base attacking.

    Last is more Blitz maps. I love the singleplayer mode, but after playing it so much. I can just repeat patterns and it's far too easy.
    You could bring in the Crossfire maps in and just have other base invincible and they spawn bots. Wouldn't be as great but just make the waves much larger and maybe make some bots take the jumppads to allow attacking from all directions.
  2. obscurement

    obscurement New Member

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    Change the snipers voice! It's so annoying I can't even play as one!

    Although from reading his description, that might have been what you were going for. :D
  3. EnlistedThalim

    EnlistedThalim New Member

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    Support all your ideas, they all sound like they'd be a great implement to the game.

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