I just can't STAND that I'm having to yell at teammates to "kill their bots!" Time after time, there are waves of 6+ blackjacks in the first 2 minutes of a match pounding on my teams door demanding sugar, and there are 4 enemy pros there with them. And what is my team doing? 1. Limping along with our bots on the other lane. There are supports who can heal themselves on enemy blackjacks but are instead trying to shotgun/level 1 hack their firebase in clear view of anything that would want to kill them. 2. Sitting in the spawn. They're either STILL picking skills or aren't even there at all. 3. Who the hell knows? I mean you have some guys picking off slimbots then fleeing the blackjacks, ignoring everything just to get killed by the rockits at a starter base, you name it: if it isn't helping, they're doing it. Meanwhile, the while my team is goofing off, I just joined the lobby, head out to see how things are coming along, and I run face first into four enemy pros, and die instantly. Yes, sometimes, you just get ROLLED, but is there any way to really combat this? Yes, get a team, but beyond that?
I feel your pain... I think after years and years of deathmatch-centric games, a majority of players have been trained to just run around and shoot stuff, and nothing more. Team Fortress, Battlefield Bad Company, hell, even World of Warcraft PvP (before it turned to ****) all had this same problem - it seems that no matter how simple and obvious you make an objective-based game, there's always going to be people that would rather play the game in a borderline comatose state of "BAD GUY! ME KILL!" All in all, I guess there's just no cure for stupidity.
If they were paying my salary as well, I guess I'd take it easier on 'em too! Just kidding with ya. Take time eh? That's actually a pretty good point. I somehow keep forgetting MNC has only been out for what, 2 months? Must be Uber's patent-pending time warp engine!
Yeah, I was just raging after about the 10th straight game I got into, in an identical situation. Step out of the spawn, die within seconds CLEARLY near the beginning of the game, with my team nowhere to be found. Its almost to the point where I can recognize an imminent wipe just by the sound outside of the spawn. When can we stop calling it a "learning curve" and start calling them brain dead? I work third shift so when i get to play on my nights off, my girlfriend is asleep, so i can't yell at them. I usually just ragequit if its a spawn camp session for the other team. Otherwise its a great time trying to fight off multiple opponents.
I work 3rds too cheesecake i rarely get spawn camped, but i usually play with pretty competant team mates XD
All I can say is partner up with some guys from these boards or the ones over at GameFAQS. I've met a few guys from the baords (Agitating, IBooty Hunter, ISHBUKID, KingLou1990) and when we play together I never have any of those problems. Everyone works together, helps each other out (I can't tell you how many times one of those guys saved my sniper *** by covering my 6), and just have a fun time. Sometimes we just ride it out until overtime for kicks, since the games would over way too soon if we all rushed. The difference is night and day when you have team mates you can trust. Feel free to add me and you'll see the difference. GT: Donny D 80
While some people are new and don't understand the objective, there's still the other people. Basically, in any objective based game a portion of the people will ignore the objective. That's just how it is. I've had the same problem as you in MNC and domination in COD4/MW2. You can't force people to play a different way (even if it is the correct way). Like Donny said, hook up with people from the forums or if you see someone who plays like you in-game, send em a friend request. On a side note, thanks to Uber for not putting in a team deathmatch mode. If they did nobody would play crossfire, one of the best objective games out there. (and no that would not alleviate people playing tdm in crossfire)
Easiest way to combat this is to play with a set grp of ppl whenever possible. The more ppl that you have that are with you the easier it becomes. and makes for great games when your party of 6 goes up against another party of 6
I feel your pain... Lately it seems that if I roll out by myself in crossfire I invariably join a game where the other team is obviously partied up, and my team is a bunch of randoms with a marginal understanding of the game. There are pros and cons to the way matchmaking works, but I think you can chalk this up as one of the cons. Since they're partied up on the other team, they'll mostly stay together game after game while individuals come and go on the other team. It's a real dice roll as to whether or not you get a decent bunch of randoms on your team in that scenario. I also know exactly what you mean about people who just go for pro kills and ignore the bots. It's really frustrating when you see a teammate run right by enemy bots because they've got their tunnel vision fixated on some pro across the map. On the bright side, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em! Get a posse together and be one of the guys on the other side. :twisted: