So here I am on an overlook showing some bots what happens when you trespass near my money ball when all of a sudden I hear a familiar sound.. SHZWEWEWEWEWEWEWE. I turn around to see a chubby Italian man attempting to violate me with a red beam. He's jumping around all over the place while my health is slowly draining when I finally decide I've had enough of his games and promptly turn him into swiss cheese. This is a message to all Support players, if you sneak up on somebody.. use common sense and pull out your shotgun. The enemy will gone before they know what hit them and you will be free to do that creepy between the legs thing with your shotgun you all like to do, or give them a lecture about jet skis.
The shotgun off host is terrible, a lot of shots don't register and smart players will fight you mid-long range where your shotgun is ineffective. If you think what Im saying is made up here's a beautiful example
I'm talking specifically about when you sneak up behind somebody, if you are a couple fete away and I don't even see you, pull out that shotgun. The lag seen in that video happens to me on a daily basis, I've never seen it with a shotgun because I don't play support much but I have unloaded an ENTIRE minigun clip on a guy and had none of the bullets register.
this thread even that important. move this to the strategy and tactics forum if u think its so important to tell a support how to play there class like this.