Upgrading turrets shouldn't deny the original builder cash.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Wishlist' started by Ace42, March 24, 2011.

  1. Ace42

    Ace42 New Member

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    At present the economy, regarding turret kills, rewards only players who get the last upgrade on a turret. Whoever finalises an upgrade to L3 is guaranteed all of the revenue from the turret kills, and effectively "steals" all the input the initial player put in to building a turret up to L2.

    This also means that the economy rewards a selfish Support who lets other players' turrets die, and only repairs and hacks turrets he has upgraded and thus will get kills from. Ditto for his own Firebase.

    The economy should reward team-play from the support; so I suggest that the kills from Turrets should continue to be awarded to the person who built the last upgrade (thus put down the lion's share of the cash); but assists should be awarded to the Support whose hack is currently active on it; and if it is unhacked they should be awarded to the person who built the turret up to the previous level (put the next highest amount of money in.)

    This way Supports aren't totally robbed of cash if they're baby-sitting other people's turrets instead of camping with their fire-base. And anyone who builds up your defences will get a fair amount of reward for their selflessness.
  2. bhaal177

    bhaal177 Member

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    Techniquely, with a level 1 and 2 upgrade put together, it's still less than the cost of a tech 3 turret. So the person that upgrades it to level 3 should be getting the kills on it as he invested more into it. It's even harder for that because you have to have it in a lump sum. I do agree that the support should get an assist for overhealing and hacking them. But not steal it like in beta. Though, that was a good way to get supports to hack the base turrets. Little bastards won't do it anymore.
  3. Ace42

    Ace42 New Member

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    Indeed, but it's still a sizeable investment for no return if some *** comes along and nobbles it to L3 after you've got it up to L2. That's $450 (more than a top-tier skill buy, nearly a juice buy) you lay down so that someone with $600 can get all the rewards.

    Why would I bother building L1/2 turrets when I can just make maybe $600 in my pocket and get all the benefits without having to drop the extra $450?

    As I said, assists need to go to people to encourage team-play, because at present I feel like a sap if I am building turrets and can't get them straight to L3 in one spend.
  4. bhaal177

    bhaal177 Member

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    The investment is more for base defense in the first place. Nobody should ever rely on turrets for a main source of income. You should be happy, damn happy, someone upgraded it to tech 3 as it adds more defense to your money ball if bots breach or overtime hits. I personally don't care if I lose on the kills to a turret and I will sacrifice my life for other peoples (well placed) turrets. They may not get me money, but they help me win the game.
  5. L-Spiro

    L-Spiro New Member

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    I am guessing that when a selfish Support is paying attention to these kinds of details instead of just playing based on whatever needs to be done to get the win, he will be a major part of that teams loss and will, therefore, not get the $1,000 bonus at the end, which evens out.

    On the other hand, if his work is good, regardless of whether or not he steals your money for the last upgrade, it may just be the reason your team wins, and each player, including the guy who made the level-1 and level-2 turrets, will get $1,000 to make up for whatever money was not gained after level 3.

    I would say this is a non-issue.
    Anyone who plays for money loses the game.
    I dont really care if I made the first two upgrades on a turret and the someone got the last upgrade as long as that is what was needed to win.
    You really shouldnt be relying on turrets for income anyway. Consider any money you spend on a turret lost.

    Once you have corrected your frame of mind you will be quite happier.

    L. Spiro
  6. Ace42

    Ace42 New Member

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    How "helpful" is it that you then have a crap skill-set due to all your money going into low-level turrets that everyone else upgraded, and you are thus relegated to healing because as soon as you step out of base your L1 FB and L1 airstrike barely cut the mustard?

    And, also, if that's how you like playing the game, with no money for skill upgrades and thus at a constant disadvantage, good for you. I find it particularly dull. Especially when someone juices down a turret and I don't have the cash to build a fresh one because the person who's been getting all the kills and assists off of it is god-knows-where.

    Who cares about money at the end when there's no skills to upgrade with it and there's no point spending it on an annihilator blast, juice, whatever? Maybe if you're saving up for Gazillionaire tag or haven't got all the customer classes yet; but really that is chicken-feed to the cash you can make out of L3 sentries in a match.
  7. Ace42

    Ace42 New Member

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    Well thank you Big Brother. I'd rather they corrected the game design, though. As that means people trying to help the team don't lose out.

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