Update Wishes

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by Venalis, August 29, 2010.

  1. Venalis

    Venalis New Member

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    I've been playing since the release, had been looking forward to the game for a long time before it came out. Still enjoy it. However, there are some things I'd like to see changed..

    My favorite class is Gunner, and all of you Gunners out there must know how annoying it is to fire mortars off a raise platform and have them get stuck on the edge and blow up in your face, even when the arc is just fine. There is no way my mortar ball should get stuck on the ground half the time when I'm overlooking the area and firing it. It goes simply too far to be useful by aiming much higher. The only way to solve this problem, I've found, is by jumping and hovering a bit. But with a controller, and the setup of the controls, this is far from efficient. I think the mortar detection should be looked into, that's all.

    And I was wondering about the Support. He can do a large variety of things, but healing with the medic gun while in combat is not really effective against better players. Where it takes someone new maybe 10 or more seconds to gun someone down, the Support's heal gun will work. But when you're up against someone like me, a Gunner with two miniguns, you won't live more than 4 seconds without cover, even with a Support healing you! I feel this should be looked into. Perhaps adjust the amount of time it takes to overheal your ally to compensate for quicker normal healing? As of right now, it's terribly ineffective except to overheal before a battle. I think the Support can rival the Medic's usefulness in TF2, but without a better healgun, it's a one-sided battle of who's really better at support: The one that can heal at a decent rate, or the one that can put up sentries that heal at the same abysmal rate as he can heal? Barring the missile strike and shotgun options. I don't mean to turn this into a TF2 debate, but it's difficult not to compare the two.
  2. OhGypsy

    OhGypsy New Member

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    i agree with both of your ideas, both should definitley be looked into

    but the support one i agree with ENTIRELY. i mean while healing you dont even get assists, all the more reason making it useless. and since people will eventually regenerate their own health the support is made even less useful (not to mention health regeneration sponsors 0_0). and yes a lvl3 firebase next to the front lines also renders your heal gun next to worthless, might as well just switch to other weapons. At the end of a round all the supports stats are due to firebase kills, hacks, airstrikes, and occasional shotgun kills, you get no assist nor kill for simply healing teammates making the healing part of your job virtually unrecognizeable. The big picture is that it is just hard to even tell that you are making a difference while healing/overhealing people in general, at the end of the round you do not know how much you healed, you do not get any assists, or any recognition really at all for healing other than, if your good enough, being pocket to a gunner/tank and pissing off the other team. and (correct me if im wrong..) even when being backstabbed by an assassin the overheal does NOTHING, you simply just loose all health and extra as usual... 0_0

    although i think the HHGun should honestly be a supports main objective, i mean he is support but, he proves almost more usefull in situations other than healing though
    what i think should be done:
    1. Make the overheal much more useful by
    - make it more powerful, it really is extremely weak to good players
    - keep overheal health during grapple
    2. Make the rate of healing faster (healing someone taking close, even ranged damage from gunner/tank is close to useless)
    3. Give assists while healing a teammate who got a kill
    4. healing a teammate while juiced should make them invulnerable (but not give juice crits obviously, could be used to save near death teammates)
    5. Make overhealing/healing bots much faster, it take ridiculously to much time overheal even one blackjack

    yes i know, it does seem like im trying to change the support into the tf2 medic
    please try not to view it as that
  3. The Reaver

    The Reaver New Member

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    Support healing is not meant to counter offensive fire. It is used to top someone off, overheal, let someone live slightly longer to outlast an opponent, and build juice. It isn't supposed to put someone into godmode and let them kill everything.

    The Gunner mortar rounds need to fire from his gun and not from his feet, so yeah, I agree with you there. =/
  4. MoonGooseThe3rd

    MoonGooseThe3rd New Member

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    I think the Support thing would probably be fixed when they make it so the rate of fire endorsements can affect the hurt/heal gun.
  5. SushiBomb

    SushiBomb New Member

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    Any increase to the supports healing should come with a major decease in his stopping power. The support does more than enough already.

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