Update: Titans PTE 104899-pte is now available

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by wyao, June 13, 2017.

  1. wyao

    wyao Uber Employee

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    Second Update


    • Fixed the treads on the new tank commanders (Reaver and Sadiga)



    • Fixed errors with the new custom commanders.
    • Fixed broken classic galatic war saves with missing combined unit_list.json for.ai and .player spec tags
    • Added social notifications when uberbar hidden
    • Changed label for dynamic alliances eco sharing from RESC to SHARE ECO
    • POV camera tweaks and sepectator selection tweaks
    • Changed handling of look at player for spectators to use units

    POV Camera Mode, Spectator Selection, Holodeck Improvements

    Balance changes:
    • removed friendly commander reclaim
    • changed grenadier group preference to back
    • changed default bounty to 0.25
    • test using public local servers
    Alternative Win Conditions
    • sudden death for teams (protect your weakest player)
    Sim Speed Control for Local Servers
    • added sim speed control for local servers with key bindings -/=
    AI Improvments
    • added AI shared armies
    • added resume anywhere for AI games with no human players
    • fixed black screen joining game over state
    • restored dynamic alliance victory options (shared victory or backstabbing)

    • added hover info when spectating for metal spots, reclaimable and burnable features

    • fixed duplicate units in Titans unit_list.json
    • added Friendly_Commander reclaim type and excluded friendly commanders from default unit reclaim type. Commander reclaim can be enabled again by adding Friendly_Commander to reclaim_types.
    • added location and expanded feature info to hover payload and added optional display of x, y, z location to live_game_hover for debugging maps and AI... enable with model.showLocation(true)
    A host of new custom commanders!
    • Added Locust, XOV, Reaver, spz58624, raizell, visionik, tykus24, mostlikely, nagasher, zancrowe, kevin4001, damubbster, commandonut, sadiga, jt00010177, vidicarus
    EDIT: Added a couple missing changes
    Last edited: June 19, 2017
  2. wyao

    wyao Uber Employee

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    PTE servers will not be available during this round of testing. If you wish to play on the uber servers, please make sure to change the contents of version.txt to 99377.
    theseeker2, cdrkf, NikolaMX and 4 others like this.
  3. mikeyh

    mikeyh Post Master General

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  4. Nicb1

    Nicb1 Post Master General

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    You have no idea how happy I am to hear that friendly com reclaim is finally gone. :)
    theseeker2, lulamae, cdrkf and 2 others like this.
  5. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Can't say Uber is completely unaware of it's players, can you? They notice me a lot more often than my crushes do. /badhumor
  6. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Is it intended that all new commanders sans Visionik, Tykus24, and JT100010117 are automatically owned?

    EDIT7: Only reason those 3 aren't also automatically owned is because they've got a typo'd catalog object name missing their class prefix (which is Imperial for all three of them)
    EDIT8: Actually, I'm not sure what the deal with JT(Numbers) is, I think it might be server side because catalog_object_name looks right.

    Bug: SPZ58624, Mostlikely, and Vidicarus are missing a thumb icon in /media/ui/main/shared/img/commanders/thumbs/, and as a result are missing armory icons.

    EDIT4: That's not the problem, investigating deeper.
    EDIT5: Ahah! Thumbs image specified in the jsons for the mentioned commanders is missing the _thumb.
    EDIT6: For Vidicarus and Mostlikely. For SPZ(Numbers), there's a 1 at the end of the number where there shouldn't be one.

    Is there a new PAPA format? I can't open any of the new commanders in blender.

    EDIT: Neither can PA. Server crashes when trying to use them with the following error message:
    [20:42:40.640] ERROR SimBuildArm::setupOffsetAndOrientation for build arm [/pa/tools/commander_build_arm/commander_build_arm.json] on unit [/pa/units/commanders/raptor_raizell/raptor_raizell.json] could not locate a skeleton in the papa file.
    [20:43:12.453] INFO Crash uploaded, link developer to http://crashes.uberent.com/report/index/bp-afef3734-d731-4975-86bb-720722170613

    EDIT2: The model papas are all less than a kilobyte in size. That's abnormal. Also abnormal is the fact that build bar icons are papas rather than pngs.
    EDIT3: Well, one new commander has a working model, Vidicarus. Its icon isn't working though (because it's a papa when it should be a png)
    EDIT9: I found Vidicarus' png buildbar icon, in the wrong directory though (/media/ui/main/game/live_game/img/build_bar/units/ instead of /media/pa/units/commanders/imperial_vidicarus/) and without the suffix '_icon_buildbar'
    Last edited: June 14, 2017
    emarkus, SourceSeeker, Quitch and 5 others like this.
  7. Engineer1234

    Engineer1234 Well-Known Member

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    Alternative Win Conditions but no annihilation mode? aww :(
    emarkus and stuart98 like this.
  8. wyao

    wyao Uber Employee

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    Thanks for the catch! We'll work on getting these fixed soon.
    SourceSeeker, Nicb1, cdrkf and 3 others like this.
  9. Skaeryon

    Skaeryon New Member

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    It's good news to see the game is still being improved.

    That being said, still nothing done about those overpowered levelers ?
  10. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Oh, images of all the commanders haven't been posted yet have they?

    I'll fix that.

    Imperial JT100010117

    Imperial Kevin4001

    Imperial MostLikely

    Imperial Nagasher

    Imperial Tykus24

    Imperial Vidicarus

    Imperial Visionik

    Quad Commandonut

    Quad Locust

    Quad Zancrowe

    Raptor Damubbster

    Raptor Raizell

    Raptor SPZ58624

    Raptor XOV

    Tank Reaver

    Tank Sadiga

    With this latest batch, the total number of custom commanders in the game is now 51, which means that exactly half of the expected custom commander total (102 custom commanders from 102 backers at or over $1000 on Kickstarter) have been made.
    Last edited: June 13, 2017
  11. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Oh, BTW Wyao, is there any chance we might ever see these two commanders make it into the game?

    Metrarch, the Synchrous faction leader.

    This guy who I don't know the name of, I'll call him Argus

    EDIT: Oh, there's also this guy that I found in the old gamma livestream that showed all of the commander heads on different chassis, I'll call him Anubis

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]

    Previously MKrater had said (a year and a half ago?) that Argus was just a drawing and not actually modeled, but that seems to be false given as 1. That's clearly a model and not a drawing. 2. You can see him in the livestream images that I linked and it states in said livestream "all these guys are animated"
    Last edited: June 19, 2017
    SourceSeeker, Nicb1 and NikolaMX like this.
  12. veep

    veep Member

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    OMG, is it really you... I don't... I can't... *sniff*
    lulamae and stuart98 like this.
  13. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    New PTE is out that fixes all of the old bugs with commanders, but there's new bugs with Tank Reaver and Tank Sadiga.

    Scrolling UV in this game scrolls textures that are along the rightmost side of the texture files within a certain pixel range when a unit moves. Open the diffuse textures of Tank Aeson, Tank BanditKS, or the Inferno or Vanguard to see what this looks like.

    The textures for Reaver and Sadiga aren't configured with this in mind. As a result graphical issues result when these commanders move.
    Last edited: June 16, 2017
    SourceSeeker and Quitch like this.
  14. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    You need to make sure your final patch notes specify that the new Commanders are available to all players for free.
    NikolaMX, Ksgrip and stuart98 like this.
  15. perfectdark

    perfectdark Active Member

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    How often does this game get updated and are there further updates planned?

    I haven't played at all in over a year but I'd be interested in getting back into it if much has improved over that time.
    NikolaMX likes this.
  16. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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  17. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    The performance update is the big one you missed- for local play / private servers the game can now run the simulation on a *per planet* basis. It can also do the same with AI.

    In my testing I was able to play a full game of Pax Prime vs 6 Uber AI with no slowdown whatsoever despite huge numbers of units being made (game was about 40 mins long). Without the multi-threaded mode the game slowed down significantly about 15 mins in once the AI got up to speed.

    Legion faction is also worth a play (it adds a second faction along side the original which shakes things up quite a bit).
  18. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    I think I found the inspiration for Zancrowe
    Ksgrip likes this.
  19. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    How did I miss that! Hubba Hubba!
  20. mikeyh

    mikeyh Post Master General

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    Needed UI tweaks for personality selection and to make sure everything works eg sudden death mode.

    Also on my list is dynamic alliances with AIs where AIs will automatically accept your alliance requests.

    I would also like to see the AI optionally break a dynamic alliance and backstab :)
    NikolaMX and veep like this.

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