1. NameMonkey Boy

    NameMonkey Boy New Member

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    When is the update going to be released. This game is broken, join 6 games today and connection failed every single time. Tested my connection just to be sure it was not me.
    had the same problem last night, this game needs to be updated ahead of the DLC release.
    This is what I hate about arcade games, there no refunds and no support when needed.

    Dont get me wrong I am a big fan of Monday Night Combat and when it works, I really enjoy playing the game, but the bugs are starting to spoil it for me now. PLZ PLZ UBER release the update soon.
  2. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    I too am looking forward to the update. As i understood however, it is no longer in the hands of Uber to release it, but microsoft.
  3. NameMonkey Boy

    NameMonkey Boy New Member

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    That sound about right. Release date around late 2011 then. Xbox.com there I come. Watch out MS lol
  4. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    WTF are you talking about? It's already in cert, and usually that only takes a couple of weeks or so. I played last night, about 7-10 games without a problem. I have had a few laggy games but as I've said before, not too many. The update is on it's way people, making 10 threads a day demanding it will not get it out any faster.
  5. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    If i could rolo i'd click the like button on your post ;D

    i am excited for the update, not as much lag, i can finally cloak, is nice :D
  6. NameMonkey Boy

    NameMonkey Boy New Member

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    If I make 20-30 threads aday will that make it faster.
    The update info was Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 7:44 am, If its a couple of weeks, than its overdue dont you think.
  7. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    Stating that you have had not much problems with lag (again), does not make it less so for other people.
    But yes, you are correct.
  8. faits

    faits New Member

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    August 30th is when the testing phase started on the patch. It only reached cert a week or so ago, and cert can take anywhere from a couple weeks to a month to ???. It's in microsoft's hands.
  9. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    Just stating that I haven't had the horrible connection issues a lot of people are griping about. I don't have the fastest internet in the world, so if other people are having that many issues , checking their connections or routers might be in order. I have had the occasional hideous connection, but that was probably a host playing on morse code.

    And ty Faits. I'm surprised more people don't realize that once it hits the cert phase, it out of uber's hands.

    The game has been out for what 5-6 weeks, my god you children are so impatient. If you love the game as much as I think you do, have a little patience. Uber has done a wonderful job with keeping us in the know of what's going on, what they are fixing, giving the first DLC free, and even letting us know there are 2 more after that. They plan on supporting the game for a long time to come.

    If you've ever had to deal with other developers and their associated forums, you'd realize just how good us MNC fans have it.
  10. TGO023

    TGO023 New Member

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    Watch out, people. Rolo is to Uber, what Bullseye is to Monday Night Combat. He lurks waiting to pounce on these topics, accuse the posters of being underage in some way and then skip off into happy land.

    But he is also correct. The update is in certification which means the Uber team has done their part. Hopefully MS will do their part as efficiently.

    **cue obligatory laugh-track**
  11. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    I have a lot of lag problems with this game, but not with others. Occasionally, I will get lagged in another game. This could be my problem or the host's, I'm not sure. I admit that occasionally my connection has problems, as Comcast can suck sometimes, but if it were me it should be something that happens with similar frequency in other titles.

    Similarly, I think one of the reasons people complain so much is that they are getting lag in a frequency completely out of proportion with other titles. I could be wrong, but at the level of complaints it seems to go beyond "check your connections."
  12. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    Lol. Your right, it does seem that way. My apologies, guess I'm just tired of the 30 + threads a day on the topic. And calling people children is just me hoping that I'm right, shame on the adults for acting like them. I'll tone it down a half notch or so.

  13. TGO023

    TGO023 New Member

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    Now...if only I could shoot you for money...

    A guy's gotta build his turrets, ya know! ;)
    Last edited: September 21, 2010
  14. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    Uber, is there any way we can get some hints on what you are working?

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