1. Badding

    Badding New Member

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    So I bought the game today and so far the gameplay seems interesting, but the technical issues are draining all the fun out of it. The hit detection seems to be one of the worst I have seen in ages or it might just be lag either way the shot that should hit, just go through the enemy. I can see the "sparks" flying when I'm suppose to be hitting them, but their health bar just isn't changing.

    Also there have been serious FPS issues when it drops down to less than 20 and aiming becomes almost impossible. And a couple of times the game got stuck in match search.
  2. Thebigcheese

    Thebigcheese New Member

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    I haven't had any problems with the hit detection, it might be related to your connection. I do know they are doing something to help with hit detection for laggier players.

    As for the framerate, it seems pretty solid. Unless you host. There's a noticeable difference when you're the host. That how it seems to me anyways.
  3. Badding

    Badding New Member

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    I suppose, but unlikely when every other game works just fine over xbox live.
  4. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    The update will fix this. Usually, you just need to lead shots like in Gears, CoD, or Halo 3. After the update it will probably be much easier.

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