I searched, but couldn't find threads with similar topics - my apologies if this is a dupe ... Am I supposed to see detailed units when I zoom in? I'm in Cape Town, South Africa on a fairly decent connection (for South Africa - 10MB ADSL) and am currently ascribing the lack of detail to high latency (assuming that all the graphics are rendered server side). I can see the unit markers when I zoom out far enough, but when I zoom in, the only detail I can see are factory foundations and landscape. Is this a known bug for and are my assumptions correct RE my location? I'm using Vista 64 on a fairly decent PC: - AMD Phenom 9950 Quad 2.6GHz - 8GB RAM - ATI Radeon 5800 Series GPU I upgraded to the latest versions of .NET framework and DirectX as per the FAQ. Is anyone in my area playing alpha with similar issues? Anything else I can/should try?
Hey jay - your card and system shouldn't be having a problem with this. I assume your ATI Radeon drivers are fully up to date? If you would, attach your dxdiag.txt file to a response so we can take a look. Generally, issues like that are due to drivers being out of date (though normally just crashing rather than what you're seeing, or not, as the case may be).
*Sigh* hanging my head in shame here ... updated GFX drivers and voila! Thanks for the response @garat - I went through the list in the FAQ again and realised that I missed the first item. All good now