the units are quite buggy maybe like some formations will change that? and the metal extractors can't be build on some metal spots like they are randomly generated but on places they can't be build on sometimes its rather anoyying i know its still BETA but here is my first feedback!
Thanksnfor the feedback keep posting more. As for your comments. Unit bugginess is currently causes by poor pathfinding (units knowing how to travel from point A to B when obstacles are in the way) caused by beta builds. Was working in alpha and became broken when they tried to add new features. They are working on fixes (probably after they fix crahses and stability. I've actually come across this as well when buidling factories to close together and half my forces become stuck The metal is known and has been a bug since the begining. It is acknowledged in the patch notes here: Neutrino, the uber employee who wrote the code is going to rewrite it from the ground up to fix the issues. Thanks again for the post!