So, I was watching the "live stream" yesterday, and towards the end of it, there was a description of "unit layers". This was the submarines, tanks, satellites etc. In traditional RTS, units can be selected when the mouse is dragged along the ground, and all units in the area of the "drag" were selected. But then I was thinking, how would this work when there is no solid ground on the space/ underwater layers. Can someone please explain.
It's not dragged along the ground (though it may appear that way). It's technically a frustum, which casts are giant box through 3D (a very funky shaped box I might add) and everything within the box is selected.
OK cool, I understand now. Will this select multiple layers, or will this be an option? (such as if I want all tanks to go to destroy enemy A, and all planes to bomb enemy B)
It's not so much a matter of selecting "layers" (especially because some units may very well be multi-layer, like VTOL transports that could potentially hover along at ground level, or spaceplanes that can occupy both orbital and air). I think selecting unit "types" would make more sense.
Indeed. Like press a certain button on the "number pad" (the numbers to the far right of the keyboard); each number is a different type of unit. 1-6 would be the individual types (like tanks, planes and stuff), then 0 could be commander, 7 could be all boats + subs, 8 could be all planes + satellites and 9 could be everything.