I have a deserializer that reads the unit data for every unit in the game, but some information seems hard to extract, like what is capable of building what. Is there documentation on the json format for units? Particularly on what can be built by what, cost, build power, and build efficiency? Thank you.
Just open a .json in notepad++ Anyway there's a list for all unittypes in the modding forum somehere. Ill go search it real quick.
.json are easy to read in notepad, there is no reason for deserialization. Everything is simple like "metal_cost": 40, "health": 100, etc...
If I wanted to know the information myself it would be easier to get it from pa-db.com. The problem is I want *my computer* to know the information. Hence deserialization. The links you shared here are very useful, thanks
Someone made a schema, it might be a little dated but the core properties don't move (...often) https://forums.uberent.com/threads/wip-units-ammo-and-tools-json-validation-schema.60451/ Otherwise the blueprint and unit database mods may be a good place to look for inheritance calculation and where to find various properties.