Hi guys, I'm aware that the game is not finished yet but it lacks some very simple features presents in TA or TA Spring, which should be added in the future: -Line units orders: you hold the right mouse button and draw a line where your amy should split (like in TA spring BA mod, starcraft style fast spliting micro management doesn't fit PA) -right clik on metal extractor with advanced worker should upgrade them to T2 extractors + the ability to set them to a "auto upgrade" state and let them wander around -queue to build something where a structure has already been queued to be built should cancel this order: you misplaced a factory ? just click on it another time to cancel. -fix area orders : e.g you hold right mouse button on an enemy unit, pull to get a circle and all this units are targeted (I have seen some issues with that) -fix multiple factories bound to a key not displaying the correct unit count to be built Anyway, these are minors things to make, so that the games goes from great to perfect I'm so glad Total Anihilation has a worthy sequel like PA, keep the good work über!
Line formations used to be in but nobody used them as they were a bit different, you can still get the ui mod to enable it.
Also for the upgrading of T1 to T2. It's not so much upgrading as it is building another mex on top of it. You can have both a T1 and a T2 mex on the same metal spot and get the income for both of them. If you look closely, you'll see the models perfectly fit in each other. So it's really a different building you are building. By the way, doesn't area building the T2 mexes count as an "auto upgrade" inside the circle you drew?