Uncle Tully's Funland is NOT coming to Xbox 360

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by Light My Pyre, July 5, 2011.

  1. Light My Pyre

    Light My Pyre New Member

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    I'm not being impatient and I'm not bashing Uber.
    It's not that Uber don't want to give us any updates.
    It's because of the upcoming hyperinflation on US.
    I want the patch but I just don't see it coming.
  2. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    I had a long period of time where I thought "Hey the inflation is coming, why does anything I do matter now if I'm not working towards moving to Canada or Europe?"

    Its odd the amount of things that could happen because of this. I mean the last time America came close to a government shutdown all that happened is one side semi-caved and everything was rushed to only postpone making a decision. I can't trust that congress can work properly to make a decision that works in the long term. Mainly because when both sides had the chance not to pick diametrically opposite methods without a middle ground they did it anyway.

    Its July, we have until August. This is gonna suck especially for me as I live on an unincorporated territory and we depend on the US supplying us material to make oil and rum.

    But hey it will at least be interesting. I always think what kind of stories can I tell my children from what I experienced. I mean its not every lifetime that you get to live in an age with an economic downturn, then an African-American president, health care revamped, nuclear arms pact with Russia and the UN, Gay marriage legalized in NY and then the collapse of a democratic society via bickering.

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