I can't seem to be able to update my launcher. When it has finished downloading the files I get this error: It's in Swedish but it translates into: "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process". I cannot figure out what process it is referring to :S EDIT: I am running beta gfx drivers, could that have anything to do with it?
No, but it's trying to patch the new launcher, as the old one is getting deprecated. If you're still unable to download it, you can grab a new version of it at https://store.uberent.com/download/pa . Out of curiosity, where do you run your executable out of?
This is way offtopic. (sorta) I like that you changed your avatar....but why....a stick figure.... Is that your dream look? *PSYCHOANALYSIS BEGINS*
I keep getting "Failed to download one or more files. Check log for details." Trouble is I don't know where the log is kept, in the game folder. I have a screen shot of the game start up screen and the message.
If it's failing to download files, and you're running out of a windows protected location (Program Files for instance), you must run it as an administrator. It should automatically elevate, but if it can't for some reason, you'll typically see the failure.