Hello I recently bought PA on Steam and fired it up some minutes ago.. I have to say that the size of the game is surprisingly small and that the menu looks beautiful! I had some problems from the start though: The 'Welcome new player' youtubevideo popped up and after watching some seconds i was prompted to register. From that moment i couldn't pauze the introduction video (it kept playing in the background). I also couldn't type my email address because of the symbol @ not showing up.. I had to alt-tab out of the game and copy paste my email address into the text box. Steam account linked successfully and immediately the 'Galactic War update' youtubevideo started while i actually wasn't finished watching the introduction video. The second video closed the first one. I haven't really played the game yet, because i started Galactic War mode and tried to fight another commander and nothing happened. Soon i will give the game a second try! greetz, Bert ps: I'm using an azerty keyboard (Belgian - dot) and the @ key is placed as third symbol on the 2-key (é 2 @)
This is a somewhat common issue. Upvote the appropriate bug if you like. Windows: http://pa.lennardf1989.com/Tracker/index.php?do=details&task_id=2193 Linux: http://pa.lennardf1989.com/Tracker/index.php?do=details&task_id=3500 OS X: http://pa.lennardf1989.com/Tracker/index.php?do=details&task_id=3655 Servers got caught off-guard by steam sale - hopefully Uber will adjust, or at worst you can wait a few days for the rush to die down.
Hey Wondible, Thanks for the information on the already registered bug. I up voted the tasks behind the hyperlinks you provided. Some say i have to study because i'm still in my exam period.. some don't really know what i actually do! greetz, Bert