Unable to save systems in System Designer

Discussion in 'Support!' started by oldchappy, December 17, 2014.

  1. oldchappy

    oldchappy New Member

    Likes Received:
    I am unable to say any systems in the system designer. I can load up a new system and load up existing systems but i cant save either of them. Yes i have a starting planet i can click the save button and it gives me the saving sound but when i hit close it gives me the message you get if you never saved. If i try to save from the close menu it just doesn't save as well. I have uninstalled and reinstalled PA with no success. If you have any idea what is happening please help.
  2. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Could you post your PA log? You can find it in:
    Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation\log
    On a typical install %LOCALAPPDATA% will be C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local
    OSX: ~/Library/Application Support/Uber Entertainment/Planetary Annihilation/log
    Linux: ~/.local/Uber Entertainment/Planetary Annihilation/log

    Just delete all the logs you find there. Start PA. Edit/create a system. Try to save and get the error. Close PA and upload the newly created log here.

    Hopefully it will contain an error of sorts.
  3. oldchappy

    oldchappy New Member

    Likes Received:
    [20:45:04.016] INFO Log file C:\Users\Lil Cal\AppData\Local\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation\log\PA-20-45-04.000.txt opened
    [20:45:04.109] INFO Looks like we are running via Steam
    [20:45:04.109] INFO Loading mod : server_browser_show_cheat_servers
    [20:45:04.109] INFO Loading mod : rPAMM
    [20:45:04.125] INFO Mounting C:\Users\Lil Cal\AppData\Local\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation\client_mods\rPAMM\ as /
    [20:45:04.125] INFO Client loaded 2 mods, mounted 1
    [20:45:04.125] INFO Loading mod : cheat_allow_change_control
    [20:45:04.125] INFO Loading mod : cheat_allow_change_vision
    [20:45:04.125] INFO Loading mod : cheat_allow_create_unit
    [20:45:04.125] INFO Loading mod : cheat_allow_mod_data_updates
    [20:45:04.125] INFO Starting async parallel for driver with 6 threads
    [20:45:04.297] INFO Successfully created context with configuration 1/9: v4.4 (core)
    [20:45:04.312] INFO HAL initializing...
    [20:45:04.312] INFO OpenGL Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
    [20:45:04.312] INFO OpenGL Renderer: GeForce GTX 650 Ti BOOST/PCIe/SSE2
    [20:45:04.312] INFO OpenGL Version: 4.4.0 NVIDIA 344.75
    [20:45:04.312] INFO OpenGL Shader Language Version: 4.40 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
    [20:45:04.312] INFO Vendor flag set to NVidia
    [20:45:04.312] INFO Supported rasterizer capabilities: Gamma correct pipeline, Ranged mapping, Advanced instancing, Advanced shaders, Compute shaders, Persistent buffer mapping
    [20:45:04.312] INFO Unsupported rasterizer capabilities:
    [20:45:04.312] INFO Buffer textures enabled.
    [20:45:04.312] INFO initial size 1360x768
    [20:45:04.312] INFO Loading effects from file /shaders/post.json
    [20:45:04.359] INFO Loading effects from file /shaders/content.json
    [20:45:04.484] INFO Loading effects from file /shaders/impostors.json
    [20:45:04.484] INFO Loading effects from file /shaders/misc.json
    [20:45:04.531] INFO Loading effects from file /shaders/particle.json
    [20:45:04.702] INFO Loading effects from file /shaders/scene.json
    [20:45:04.765] INFO Loading effects from file /shaders/vtex.json
    [20:45:04.796] INFO Coherent content root: "coui://ui/"
    [20:45:04.796] INFO Coherent host dir: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Planetary Annihilation\\bin_x64\\host"
    [20:45:04.796] INFO Coherent local store: "C:\\Users\\Lil Cal\\AppData\\Local\\Uber Entertainment\\Planetary Annihilation\\localstore"
    [20:45:04.921] INFO ClientInterface constructed
    [20:45:04.936] INFO {{FMOD}} fmod buffer size 5
    [20:45:04.967] INFO Using local server at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Planetary Annihilation\bin_x64\server.exe
    [20:45:04.967] INFO ClientInterface constructed
    [20:45:05.467] INFO TwitchTV::flushStreamingEvents Twitch state changed
    [20:45:05.467] ERROR twitch tried to send message and no UI.
    [20:45:05.482] INFO client::ClientGame::SystemReady
    [20:45:05.482] INFO CoherentUI::loadUrl ForceSoftwareRendering : 0
    [20:45:05.482] INFO CoherentUI::loadUrl ForceSoftwareRendering : 0
    [20:45:05.482] INFO CoherentUI::loadUrl ForceSoftwareRendering : 0
    [20:45:05.482] INFO CoherentUI::loadUrl ForceSoftwareRendering : 0
    [20:45:06.075] INFO CoherentUI::loadUrl ForceSoftwareRendering : 0
    [20:45:06.075] INFO CoherentUI::loadUrl ForceSoftwareRendering : 0
    [20:45:06.793] INFO client::ClientGame::resetGameState
    [20:45:06.793] INFO Mouse constraint cleared.
    [20:45:06.793] INFO ClientInterface constructed
    [20:45:06.824] INFO ClientInterface constructed
    [20:45:06.964] INFO client::ClientGame::setMusic /Music/Main_Menu_Music
    [20:45:08.524] INFO Setting option graphics to 'custom'
    [20:45:08.524] INFO Setting option graphics.vte to 'low'
    [20:45:08.524] INFO Setting option graphics.headlights to 'off'
    [20:45:08.524] INFO Setting option graphics.shadows to 'off'
    [20:45:08.524] INFO Setting option graphics.ao to 'on'
    [20:45:08.524] INFO Setting option graphics.hdr to 'on'
    [20:45:08.524] INFO Setting option graphics.aa to 'off'
    [20:45:08.524] INFO Setting option graphics.display_mode to 'fullscreen'
    [20:45:08.540] INFO Setting camera mouse pan speed to 1x
    [20:45:08.540] INFO Setting camera key pan speed to 1x
    [20:45:08.540] INFO Setting camera zoom speed to 4x
    [20:45:08.540] INFO Setting camera friction to 2.5x
    [20:45:08.540] INFO Setting camera edge scroll to off (no mouselock)
    [20:45:08.540] INFO Setting planet pole lock to off
    [20:45:09.289] INFO Setting option graphics to 'custom'
    [20:45:09.289] INFO Setting option graphics.vte to 'low'
    [20:45:09.289] INFO Setting option graphics.headlights to 'off'
    [20:45:09.289] INFO Setting option graphics.shadows to 'off'
    [20:45:09.289] INFO Setting option graphics.ao to 'on'
    [20:45:09.289] INFO Setting option graphics.hdr to 'on'
    [20:45:09.289] INFO Setting option graphics.aa to 'off'
    [20:45:09.289] INFO Setting option graphics.display_mode to 'fullscreen'
    [20:45:09.289] INFO Setting camera mouse pan speed to 1x
    [20:45:09.289] INFO Setting camera key pan speed to 1x
    [20:45:09.289] INFO Setting camera zoom speed to 4x
    [20:45:09.289] INFO Setting camera friction to 2.5x
    [20:45:09.289] INFO Setting camera edge scroll to off (no mouselock)
    [20:45:09.289] INFO Setting planet pole lock to off
    [20:45:19.460] INFO Starting background thread pool with 6 threads
    [20:45:19.507] INFO client::ClientGame::setMusic /Music/Music_Planet_Editor
    [20:45:19.538] INFO client::ClientGame::processUICommand
    [20:45:19.538] INFO client::ClientGame::handleUpdatePlanetSpec
    [20:45:19.538] INFO client::ClientGame::processUICommand
    [20:45:19.538] INFO client::ClientGame::handleUpdatePlanetSpec
    [20:45:19.538] INFO client::ClientGame::processUICommand
    [20:45:19.538] INFO client::ClientGame::handleUpdatePlanetSpec
    [20:45:22.018] ERROR /pa/terrain/ice/textures/base/ice_tile_material.papa: open failed
    [20:45:22.018] ERROR Failed to load texture resource /pa/terrain/ice/textures/base/ice_tile_material.papa
    [20:45:22.580] INFO client::ClientGame::processUICommand
    [20:45:22.580] INFO client::ClientGame::handleAddPlanet
    [20:45:27.120] INFO client::ClientGame::processUICommand
    [20:45:27.120] INFO client::ClientGame::handleUpdatePlanetSpec
    [20:45:48.367] INFO client::ClientGame::resetGameState
    [20:45:48.367] INFO Mouse constraint cleared.
    [20:45:48.367] INFO ClientInterface constructed
    [20:45:48.367] INFO Mouse constraint popped.
    [20:45:48.367] WARN Attempted to pop empty mouse constraint flag.
    [20:45:52.751] INFO client::ClientGame::resetGameState
    [20:45:52.751] INFO Mouse constraint cleared.
    [20:45:52.751] INFO ClientInterface constructed
    [20:45:52.782] INFO ClientInterface constructed
    [20:45:53.905] INFO Streaming state: Uninitialized
    [20:45:53.905] INFO Resolving 0 callstacks
    [20:45:53.905] INFO Resolve complete
    [20:45:53.905] INFO Shutting down CoherentUI
  4. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Hmm, no errors that I can see. But Uber just released a new update that contains lots of fixes to the system designer, so try to give that a go.

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