I just picked up the game, and have high hopes for it--although, to be honest, I thought there'd be more people playing it considering the backing and the amount of buzz around it. However, I'm posting about the my UI lag. The game itself runs smooth for me, but the interface moves very sluggish, about a 2 second delay in game when hovering over with the mouse. I assume this will be fixed before release, but I'm wondering if there's a quick fix that I can do on my part? I perused the boards for other threads, but they seem to be different issues. I hope I'm not the only one with this particular annoyance, and I hope there is a fix, even if it's user administrated. -Thanks.
Install PA mod manager: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/rel-pa-mod-manager-v4-0-3.50726/ And then install the "Include KO deferred" mod.
Thank's for the reply. I did what you asked of me, but with little success. If it made a difference, it's negligible. I do appreciate the hand thought.
Can you give us more detail about your computer, the games you're playing and the problem (like when does it lag, always or just later in a match)? It's unlikely we'll be able to help now, but it could narrow down the problem for later.
I am also interested in this problem. 1) What is your OS and hardware? 2) Does it lag this much at the start of the game, or at the end? 3) Have you tried running without mods?
I had the same thing, i got a very good computer, but when i put texture scaling on it's highest i got the same lag. When i turned it down to texture scaling 100% i had no problems, hope that helps.
Windows 7 64 bit I5 quad CPU 3.3 Ghz 8 Gb DD3 Ram Nvidia Geforce GTX 650 It lags(only the UI lags specifically, the game itself runs fine) at the beginning, it might get somewhat worse but not super noticable. Typically, if I mouse over at command button, it will take ~2 seconds to actually light up/react/show info on the command. It's as if the UI is straining and trying to constantly catch up, but the game itself is running clear as day. I just bought the game, no mods, with the exception of what the fella above asked me to install. Let me know if you need more information.