UI Question

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by silentlife, October 5, 2014.

  1. silentlife

    silentlife New Member

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    Hello everyone!

    I have a question pertaining to PA unit management. I'll keep this short.

    Does everyone know the command queue that shows up on the screen when you give commands to a unit? Like move orders, patrol orders, build orders and so on. This is a feature that was in Supreme Commander as well.

    AS SUCH, here is my question: is there any way to modify unit commands once they have been given? For example, you could select and then drag around commands ((Such as move/patrol)) given to a unit without having to end the entire command queue. More important to my playstyle, however, is the ability to delete a command from the queue without ending the entire command queue.

    For example, let's say i start building a land factory with my first unit, the commander, and also queue a whole bunch of power plants near it using the commander as the builder. However, I later find out that one of the power plants is too close to a metal node and will prevent building an extractor on it ((No idea if that still happens, just an example.)). Is there any way to delete only that one power plant, without requiring to start the whole build queue over again?
  2. gus4544gs

    gus4544gs New Member

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    Sadly No. you would have to re do the whole queue

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