So after having a stab at the faction symbols, another forum-goer suggested modding the UI, so here I am after having a look through the modding guides, getting ready to take a crack at it. Now what I am planning to use is Inkscape for the icons, export (.pngs) then put into a folder into the ui/mods folder, and through Raevn's ui mod manager mod into the game. The icon folders I am planning to alter at the moment are icon_atlas' strategic icons, and live_game's build_bar. From what I have gathered, for the purposes of simply replacing the icons, I create a folder in ui/mods with what is essentially a text file (however as a .js) with some mod details (for the mod manager), and the same folder layout down to strategic_icons and build_bar, with the alternate icons, and give directions to replace just the icons. For the 'text file' I have eclipse on this computer, which after a quick text correctly understood what it was. For the icons themselves, they will be re-sized automatically down to the correct pixel size, but to be safe (as well as making sure you can see them clearly) export them as the correct size. Now before I get too deep into making the new icons, is this the correct thinking? And what about when I want to rework the mass/energy bars? (want to make them blue and yellow just cause); Is the same thinking to just replace the images already present with the correct placing? Thanks in advance to any replies. Quick edit: Turns out the forum-goer was a Uber person , sorry masterdigital Also liking the smilies you guys got going on in these forums.
Back, and with some basic vector pngs, all being drawn to the same icon size: (However if they are larger, they will be re-sized down automatically, correct?) Mass extractor and Energy Generator: Basic bot Fabricator, Combat, and Anti-Air Now with these, how do I get them into the game? right now I have my working folder set up as: ui -> alpha -> icon_atlas -> img -> strategic_icons -> [my pngs] live_game -> img -> build_bar -> units -> [my pngs] start -> img -> [pngs] Alpha there for now, I will change it when it changes obviously. Start is there because I think changing an image there could provide a quicker way to check if the mod is running. Now after this, I put it into the ui/mods in the PA program files folder, and create a .js/.json file for either a ui_mod_list, or for raevn's ui mod manager; is that the way it works?
@mrcthulhu , the current modding structure within the UI folder doesn't allow over-writing files simply by mirroring the folder structure; the icons have to either replace the existing ones, or the code modified to re-point to the new location of your images. The later is harder, but easier for end-users to use your mod. Look for the following line in live_game.html, within the build bar section: <img class="img_build_unit" src="img/build_bar/units/build_unit_sample.png" data-bind="attr: { src: icon }" /> and replace it via a mod with something like: <img class="img_build_unit" src="img/build_bar/units/build_unit_sample.png" data-bind="attr: { src: '../../mods/<your mod name>/' + icon }" /> Then replicate the img, build_bar and units folders under your mod folder. This is very quick and not tested but I have to go; I'll try and expand on this tomorrow if no-one else does before me. I'm assuming the icon variable will contain something like "img/build_bar/units/<unit_name>.png". Also see this thread for a possible alternative method:
Thanks a bunch, So for the new launcher/mods system, it seems like the shadowing is exactly what I need - it'll search through the mods folder first, find my images, and use those; and with it being just the images as of now, I don't need to work on a replacement js, css or html file, if I keep the same folder layout as in the PA program files; For now however, if the other system doesn't work, use: in the live_game html, alter the src in data-bind="attr: { src: icon}" to: data-bind="attr { '../../mods/<mod name>/' + icon } And make sure that the folder layout is the same, and that my .png names are the same as those in the vanilla folders. I'll try both now, seeing as I have 4 icons that can be easily checked and that this seems doable without breaking the game. Thanks! Any feelings on the others? the sizes will be altered once more are done, but especially with the fabricator any thoughts?
For the combat bot you need to center those black squares properly, otherwise it's good. For the engy, model looks good but I don't like it - it colour clashes badly. Maybe just removing the green would look better, not sure.
Having no luck with adding an html live_game in the mod's sub-folders, But got the shadow system to work as intended! So I'll start a new thread proper after some course-related work and get cracking on the rest of the icons, and maybe a new build bar, due to the contrast with the greys. Thanks for the help though Raevn Hows that?