UI Issue - Orca and Narwhal Tooltip and Icon Discrepencies

Discussion in 'Support!' started by Thinking42Man, September 10, 2015.

  1. Thinking42Man

    Thinking42Man New Member

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    The Orca had its torpedo weapon removed early in the year, and the Narwhal had one added. However, their tooltips do not reflect this change, and neither do their icons. This may not be an issue for seasoned veterans of the game, however, newer players will surely be thrown off. It's a small, but relevant, polish issue.

    The issue with the tooltips should be fairly easy to see, and hopefully, to fix.

    The Orca's Icon shows a downward pointing line with two dots at the end. This would seem to indicate that it can fire at undersea targets with (some?) of its cannons. I propose that the line should be straight, parallel to the upper line. Further, the icon shows a torpedo symbol, which I suggest should be removed as the Orca now lacks a torpedo weapon.

    The Narwhal's Icon shows two lines, one pointing up, the other being horizontal. These would seem to accurately reflect its ability to fire upon air, sea, and land units. However, as it now is equipped with a torpedo weapon, I propose that a torpedo icon should be added. Whether or not a third, downward pointing line should be squeezed in somehow I leave up to greater minds to determine.

    I hope others will agree. Thank you for this wonderful game.
  2. Thinking42Man

    Thinking42Man New Member

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    I am following up to explain my reasoning for suggesting that the Orca Icon's second line remain but become horizontal: There seem to be four dots on the Orca's current icon, which would seem to correspond with its four cannons. If I am mistaken in thinking so, perhaps the second line would be better off removed.

    Thanks again.
  3. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    In Titans the Orca regained its torpedo and the Narwhal lost its; it would seem that the same icons used in Titans are also used in the vanilla game. @mkrater Add "si_name" to the vanilla orca and narwhal jsons and add the old strategic icons with the names, something like destroyerold and frigateold I guess?
  4. Thinking42Man

    Thinking42Man New Member

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    Oh, well thank you for that reply. I got Titans today, so this issue won't effect me anymore, however I think it is still in UE's best interest to keep the original game polished.

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