If timed perfectly, the Tank's jet charge jump can be used to travel from base to base on Grenade III. (From the top of your base's bot spawn over looking the juice platform to the sniper perch between the bot spawns at the enemy base). It is EXTREMELY difficult to pull off, but priceless when you do pull it off and jet gun that ice trap camping sniper wondering how the fat man just snuck up on him. The tank is ridiculously mobile.
Silver Speed. I did not consider how this might alter my results with the jump. I'm literally missing by about an inch every time I try this. *runs to try gold speed*
Jet Pack during/at the end of the charge animation from an elevated location. There is a link to a video demonstrating the tank charge jump (arctic's tank video guide) if you click my sig. Edit: Here it is, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9stqW6zTkD0 (tank jumping starts at about 5:33.)
I may have deleted it since I did not recognize it from the forums. If its still in my inbox i'll accept it.
Cool, I'll shoot you another request if necessary. Just wanna start playing with people from the forums.
In a game with you right now. Currently I'm STUCK in our spawn, so I can totally type this without fear of disrupting the game. :rage:
Yeah I was stuck there too haha. That game was so damn laggy. I'll be on again tonight, so we should start a party (like Andrew W.K. does). Hopefully the games run smoother.
Coo. I would have accepted your invite to play last night but I was fried and had already started turning off my system as it came in. Love timing, eh?