
Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by feedle, May 19, 2013.

  1. feedle

    feedle Post Master General

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    Is it voting time yet?
  2. missionaryposition

    missionaryposition Member

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    Nominate BO2 as a f*cking gay *** game.
  3. joker

    joker Active Member

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    Best Everything: Chollo

    Ubies done, v5 coming in 2014
  4. notgunked

    notgunked Active Member

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    I nominate Woyldman for best British impression.
  5. joker

    joker Active Member

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    What's funnier: Chollo impersonating Wildman, or Wildman impersonating Chollo?
  6. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    The general consensus is that there is not really much change. If we are going to do this, I propose that we have two sections;

    Best Overall [whatever]
    Rising Star [whatever]

    Best Overall allows everyone to be voted for. Honestly, I don't see much changing. The only thing I would suggest is that it should be someone whom you have played since the new year (guys like Deadpool and Zatchmo would be out in that case - for me at least) but that is arguable.

    Rising Star would have a restriction; could not have gotten any votes in that category in previous voting. This will allow new players and people who have been around a while and have been working on being better get some recognition, but will ruin it for those who ended up getting only a couple of votes before. There might even be a couple of names that can be debated. This is the only way to keep it interesting, because if we don't do this we may as well just repost Ubies v3.

    League MVP can come from anyone (let's face it, it will be Chron - take your stupid award already)
    Rookie of the Year should be someone who didn't really get any votes in previous voting

    I can run it if people are interested. But honestly, if I did I would reduce the sub headings almost entirely. I don't know if there is enough demand though.
  7. notgunked

    notgunked Active Member

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    the actual voting was a huge circle jerk and most of them dont post here anymore so the whole best overall will probably change. but i would rather like to see voting for the "rising stars".
  8. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    Do you think it would make sense to send a message to the PM List suggesting people make a forum account so they can vote? If so, I will do that tonight.
  9. joker

    joker Active Member

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    Just do rising stars only. Best overalls haven't changed much and if they steer from the truth will only result in more bltching and confrontation and "oh yeah prove it" etc etc.

    Edit: The overalls are largely the same and lets be honest the past couple months are tough to legitimately influence change. When PMs were better and more competitive people like miracle, Kckzi, Shammas tore it up better than anyone else on their best classes and imo 2nd 3rd 4th best on other classes. It could have been much more of a circle jerk than haters could possibly imagine. Then you get into weighted opinions. How does someone like my opinion of Shammas's assassin, tank, and sniper hold up compared to a newer players opinion of Feedle's tank, scratchy's sniper & assault, satoshi's assassin.

    Do as you wish, but rising stars only is the best bet
  10. lolfunnystuff

    lolfunnystuff New Member

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    Drove the most people away from the game: the forum goers.

    Yay let's celebrate your lack of lives by labeling you.
  11. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    Also an option. I just like to give recognition where it is due. It sucks when you are part of a community and contribute, but then are not allowed to see any props given your way when it comes time for everyone to get a pat on the back. Even if you feel you don't need it, it is nice to get it just the same...being snubbed sucks balls.
  12. joker

    joker Active Member

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    You guys can do as you wish. You don't have to act on the forums within the desired limitations of us just bc were the best team. If a group of people who don't like us enough to keep us away from private matches turn around in the same breath and exclude us from being voted good/best at the game it really won't bother us, if anything it will make sense lol it's your guys' game nowadays, do what's fun for you, just be prepared for the storm if people not voted take offense lol
  13. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    I think I am missing something, I don't really know what you are saying here...
  14. joker

    joker Active Member

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    I thought you were referring to wanting to be able to include best overall AND rising stars so everyone received recognition. My mistake
  15. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    You got that part right actually - but this is just brain storming anyway.
    I really would like to find a way to make everyone happy. Apparently that just can't happen though. If everyone wants to just do rising star awards, that's fine with me. We can just say that old votes stand as still the best. I would like to still list them though, just because I think that it will underscore just how far people have to go.

    My ego really has no stake in this - I didn't really get many votes last time and really don't expect many this time (maybe if there was a "best drunk" category but I think Gemicide would win that overall).

    Maybe if we did this;

    Best Assaults - just list the Ubies v3. Chron, Kckzi, Teapot, etc. (you can't vote for these people)
    Rising Assault Star - whoever gets votes

    That way people still get their recognition, new people can get votes too, and you can compare how the new stack up against the vets. If someone thinks that "so and so is better than so and so from the previous voters" than so be it.
  16. bluntkingmcpussy

    bluntkingmcpussy Member

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    Are you throwing an award ceremony or something? If not, I don't see much point in having that first part in there if you're just gonna take the results from a previous vote anyway. Actually, that first part kinda wouldn't be in there anyways because you'd just take the results from a previous vote.

    Damn, now I've gone and confused myself again.
  17. woyldman

    woyldman New Member

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    I say do both. That way newer players can get some props and recognition for doing well and Jeff can suck on my big fat wiener for not getting a clean sweep as gunner.
  18. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    I would list it in part so that people know who to NOT vote for, and in part because it is sort of douchey to call it "Ubies v4" and not recognize the people who made the game what it is. I am honestly not opposed to just redoing the whole vote because it is really not that big of a deal to count it. They will probably end with the same winners, but the runners up might be in a slightly different order at the very low end.

    I do like the secondary category, because honestly there are a lot of interesting choices if you take out the usual winners.

    I could throw an awards ceremony, but it wouldn't exactly be a surprise (unless I did silent ballots, but that isn't going to happen...)
  19. leov1993

    leov1993 Post Master General

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    I'm not sure what the rules are yet but whatever i'm voting now anyway.

    Purplescratchyy for assault for sure
    o Famous(I forgot his tag) for sniper
  20. joker

    joker Active Member

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    The only issue is people like Shammas Kckzi miracle would and should get votes for universal classes then. I'd still vote Shammas for assault assassin sniper support, miracle sniper tank support, etc. I would confidently want certain players on any class over their opposing class specific players. If you really want new people to get credit and avoid "circle jerk" voting you need to remove a handful of players from voting altogether, and others on the fence who didn't get many/any last time but would clean house on voting (wildman, Gunked, chollo, KCKZILOL) they can be removed or participate at their request

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