Hey. recently bought the game off the Humble Store and created an account here. Then it asked me if I should get a Ubernet key or a Steam key. Is there a difference? Does it work better with Ubernet? Also, I hope I didn't post this thread twice by accident.
I'd recommend not converting your key to steam as this would allow you to LAN PA and Uber's launcher is more practical. Just my input.
You can always convert UberNet key to Steam. You can't convert Steam key to anything. It's totally same game, there is no differences really.
I went with Ubernet, but mainly because I haven't gotten around to setting up a steam account. Anyway, I'd just go with Ubernet as the launcher seems to work better (at least from what I've heard).
Why do you think PA on Steam will have any problems with LAN? Actually PA only use Steamworks for authentication and even here it's should let you login directly using UberNet credentials.
Actually if you sell game in Steam you even shouldn't integrate Steamworks in it. So it's will work how Uber implement it and I don't see any reason why they should limit it any more than UberNet version.
that's not the thing. all steam games are protected by steam's copy protection. which is really just a net login. to play any game you log into steam (even with steam store not opened, it then just launches a small login window that makes it pretty seamless, but it wouldn't work if you wern't conected).
Yeah, Steam is just really friendly, lenient DRM. Buying from Ubernet gives you an unrestricted (within legality of course) copy of the game, and all of the money goes to the devs, whereas I've heard that Valve levies a pretty steep tariff on steam games.
huh good to know. but it still leaves Uber way more practical no? (putting asside steam's maaaaaaarvelousness) people on the forum where complaining about being their steam name online and not the one they chose for PA. that's another (albeit small) inconvenience.
From my personal point of view I think non-Steam version is better, as long as I always might turn it to Steam key. I'm like to have ability to choose. But OP asked about differences and there actually not much technical differences between Steam and UberNet versions. Most differences are in the legal field and related to have game that tied to Steam account which you can losed together with this account.