Uber Launcher problems on new install. Can anybody advise?

Discussion in 'Support!' started by omegaplex, June 25, 2014.

  1. omegaplex

    omegaplex New Member

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    Over the weekend I formatted and reinstalled Windows 7 x64 SP1 and downloaded the PA Update Launcher to reinstall PA. When I open the Launcher a full screen magenta block that I can only escape from by opening the Task Manager appears. The launcher then crashes "Uber Launcher has stopped working" with no further information.

    Using the updater from here I was able to download the stable stream successfully. When i run it I get "Unexpected failure to initialize Coherent UI subsystem". I have attempted the fixes from the several support threads on these issues but have had no luck.

    Relevant logs

    Any help would be appreciated.


    Can I get some official support here? Or any support?

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: June 26, 2014
  2. hristocoui

    hristocoui Coherent Labs

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    Hi omegaplex,

    The Coherent UI log file indicates that the Coherent UI host is missing from this folder - - C:\Users\Tim\.local\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation\stable\bin_x64\host\CoherentUI_Host.exe. Can you check if this file exists? If it's indeed missing you can try coping it there from your default steam folder - Steam\SteamApps\common\Planetary Annihilation\bin_x64\host
  3. omegaplex

    omegaplex New Member

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    The thing is, I'm not using Steam and I also wasn't using Steam before the reinstall. Just the update manger from Uber. It comes up either blank or a full screen magenta that eventually crashes back to desktop. I don't mind trying to install it through steam if there's no performance loss compared to straight from Uber.

    Okay, so I was going to convert my game to steam when I decided to redownload the PA Launcher and save it to a different directory. It worked fine after installing and I'm redownloading now. Thanks for the help.
    Last edited: June 27, 2014

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