Uber - Communications Suggestion - What We've been working on...

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by aeonsim, September 5, 2013.

  1. aeonsim

    aeonsim Active Member

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    Hey UberDevs

    I was thinking about communication with you guys the other day and thought it might be kinda cool from our point of view, and require minimal work from you guys. If you posted a locked "What we've been working on" thread that got updated 1 every week or two.

    It wouldn't be anything indepth more like the sort of whip round that can occur in team meetings where everyone or each group says in "one sentence" what their main focus has been or will be for the week.
    It's not about when or how things are being done simply about providing a very basic idea of what different groups are working on/thinking about (not what is ready for release). I've noticed you cover it a bit with the Video updates but they are alot bigger than this would have to be.

    Something like:

    Engine Programmers: Orbital support & Intel Bug
    Art: Gas Giants & Custom commander 153...
    Animators: Ground units& Orbital units
    UI: System Editor
    Design: Naval Balance
    Other: PAX

    Not sure how many logical groups there are within the team and by person would be excessive. I think it'd help give us feel that things are moving while hopefully requiring minimal time.

    Anyway what do people think, and more importantly what do the UberDevs think, something that could be done with out creating much work for you?
  2. Sorian

    Sorian Official PA

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  3. aeonsim

    aeonsim Active Member

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    Hi Sorian

    Those posts are greatly appreciated :), always interesting to see what people are working on even it it is only a couple of lines and the odd screen shot :). It'd be great if some of the others could do something similar to that or to the idea above every now and then. Maybe a good fit for the community manager when they start if every one is too busy. Doesn't have to be much after all just an idea of what people are looking at or thinking about for the week or fortnight.
    lokiCML likes this.

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