We all need to pay our respects to Bob Berry, CEO, Product Designer, Gameplay Programming Lead, (involved in) Production, Engine Programming, Game Design, and Business Development. Photo Credit to: Erin Schedler All of us need to take in all the hard work his "Team" has brought to the table as well. They have all worked hard "I'm assuming" to please us as a community. Give them the tanks ( <--- ) they deserve. Thanks Uber! Can't wait to see Monday Night Combat 2! :lol: I'm also not trying to be a kiss-*** guys. I am giving them the proper respect they deserve.
He's a pretty handsome man. I think there has been quite a few ego boost threads but I guess it can't hurt to have another. Good work guys. A little too soon to be pressuring Uber into making a sequel don't you think?
Uber can haz my appreciation. I might criticize the game some, but in truth I haven't played a game this much since the original Modern Warfare. It's definitely one of my all time favorite games. Thanks Uber.
Not pressuring it, if you read This interview, Bob states that if the team as a group, is ready for MNC2. It may happen. Part 2 to the interview Read up, it really brodend my horizion, if you know what I mean
Uber can definitely haz my appreciations for the awesome game they made. I haven't had this much fun on Xbox 360 for a long time.
Guys, my Xbl was up at 1am this morning and I am already going through MNC withdrawal. I had to eat a ton of bacon this morning to keep my mind off of it. On the downside it gave me massive heartburn. Reading that interview has definitely made me a bigger fan of Uber. You all at Uber already know this but keep up the amazing work. Despite what people say about you, you guys/gal are pretty stand up people. :lol:
man this game is a good return to balanced, non-chump, active-teamwork games. i missed those, and TF2 was good too, but the best game since MNC was C&C Renegade in my opinion, and i played that game until there were nothing but dutch snipers-only servers. and my 3rd copy of the disc stopped reading speaking of, YAY FOR MNC BEING ON A VERY DURABLE HARD DRIVE!
How do you think i feel? I haven't had live in a month, month and a half T_T I have been saving this 48 hour trial card since my live ran out so that i can play when the new DLC comes out but have been VERY Tempted to use it to play MNC Before then >_<