They should name a fast raid-bot after him, "AZO" perfectly fits for a robot name. (Wouldn't mind to see Mavor and Scathis back too. )
Whaaaat?! No way! I do parkour and a bit of tricking, I've been watching Azo videos for ages... One more reason to feel good about funding this project :-D
Did I just get this right? The guy in the video works on PA? He looks so ... well... unnerdy and seems to have a real life. Amazing!
AZO is an Uber Entertainment employee, yes. He did almost all of the gameplay animations and grapples for MNC and SMNC. Dox did many of the taunt animations for MNC as well as most of the recent taunts for SMNC. For the PA kickstarter trailer the animation was done by Dox, Steve Thompson, and myself. AZO will undoubtedly animate some of the units for the game once we start production.