Hey all, been ages since I played and wanted to get back into it, however when I logged in my favorite commander twoboots was gone. I only found one thread that mentioned he was removed but not a scrap more of information. I never got a refund or any notification, and don't have credit on my account in the store, so what gives? Why was he removed? Is it temporary? It's really sucky, he was the best designed commander and reminded me of a show that I used to watch as a kid (code lyoko), that's why I bought him, but now there's no trace, you can't even find an image result in google.
I didn't notice the date on that thread, it's only from august 6th, I figured it was older. https://forums.uberent.com/threads/lets-talk-about-twoboots.69421/#post-1098479 Is there any way to edit a save file later on to change the commander? I would like to start playing again, but I want to be able to use my favorite commander once they fix it.
Just got another bug, there are basically no animations present whatsoever, and shadowplay won't pick the game up, but the commander just warps around to building stuff and it gets built instantly. Verifying the game files and might try reinstalling, hopefully if I save the local storage in appdata that will have the savegame since I got complete orbital tech but also the 50 reduction for energy and materials.
Looks like it might be asus' game first software which would be a shame though I've never used it, seems odd that it affects single player.
Single player works by running a local server. That means there is a network connection from your client on your computer to the server on your computer. That's usually a very very fast connection, but yeah some asus software makes troubles with that. I'd call that software trash and recommend to burn it
Ah, that would be why, weird. Lost my save too, I don't know where the hell it gets stored then, ohwell. I'll just generate a bunch of galaxies until I get some good stuff. Edit: well that's lame even on uber you can only jump twice before encountering the enemy now :/
They reworked Galactic war to make things a bit more fair. The new system means: - 2 jumps guaranteed before finding an enemy (although as you've noticed that also means you definitely have a battle after 2). - No duplicate tech cards offered - No useless tech cards offered. The last 2 points means that whilst you potentially get less picks at the start, they've done a lot of work to make sure you don't get offered tech you already have, and you don't get offered tech you cannot use (e.g. getting offered T2 naval when you don't have basic and so on). As for Two Boots- it wasn't supposed to be removed, it was a mistake that should get fixed with an upcoming patch (it may already be sorted in the PTE?).
By the way, @wondible already found the fix in the thread you linked, but wasn't very informative about it. If you don't want to wait until the next patch where this will be fixed, you can just edit the file "<PA Install Dir>/media/pa/units/commanders/quad_twoboots/quad_twoboots.json". If you open that in a text editor such as Notepad, then change to following Code: "catalog_object_name":"Quad`" to Code: "catalog_object_name":"QuadTwoboots" and then it should show up again. Take special care of capitalization; it matters. Also, <PA Install Dir> should be substituted with wherever you've installed PA.
In the very unlikely case that Uber forgets to fix it, you again won't be able to select Twoboots for a new GW after the next patch. In-progress GW's will be fine though. But yeah, that fix is exactly the fix that Uber will do themselves, so stuarts98's answer stands.