Turrets and after Commander death.

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by Kalaskow, June 8, 2013.

  1. Kalaskow

    Kalaskow New Member

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    So i got 2 questions.

    First: Will turrets adjust their guns, before enemy units get into range, so they can start firing, when units get into range?

    Second: When a Commander dies, will all of his unit die, like in SupCom or will they continue to live, until they are destroyed?.

    I'd love it, if units kept the orders they got, before the commander was killed and even continued to execute them. E.g: A bomber was ordern to bomb something, the Commander of that bomber dies, but it will still attack, what it was ordered to. OR: A nuke launcher is building a nuke and ordered to fire it at a given position. The Commander dies. Given, that the launcher is still alive and still got the recource income to finish the nuke, it would finish and fire the nuke, unless the launcher is destroyed.

    long story short: A Com death only means, that the player cannot give new orders to his units and existing units will be finished. That way a player may force a draw eventhough he died earlier.
  2. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    For the Turrets, I imagine there will be a variable that defines a 'target range' much like what was seen in SupCom.

    For what happens after commander death, for a 1v1 it doesn't matter, as the actual death marks the end of the game, but for 2v2s and beyond the answer will have a large effect on how the game plays out as players die off, so anything we see in the alpha isn't exactly conclusive, I imagine one the balance starts shaping up more and we have a properly functioning economy system and lots of other smaller things we can start working on things like this.

  3. DeadMG

    DeadMG Member

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    Currently in the alpha, it's that when a Commander dies, the player keeps playing, but the game ends when only one player has a Commander left. However, that's not really conclusive, I'd expect that the devs simply didn't implement victory conditions.
  4. EdWood

    EdWood Active Member

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    Yes, what Deadmg said... I had the luck to play a game with Garat and he confirmed that the victory conditions are not really functional, yet...
  5. sempermax

    sempermax New Member

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    Adjustable victory conditions seem to be the best way. The only question is, to what degree of adjust-ability will be allowed, maybe a mod.

    Seems a bit early to be wondering about this though.

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