Rules: Post your number of turret destructions for each type (can be found in Career Milestones, pages 1 and 2.) Lazer Blazers Destroyed: 803 Rock-Its Destroyed: 1383 Long Shots Destroyed: 240 ShaveIce Destroyed: 121 I wish it tracked firebases Destroyed.
Lazer Blazers Destroyed: 798 Rock-Its Destroyed: 1681 Long Shots Destroyed: 244 ShaveIce Destroyed: 74
Lazer Blazers Destroyed: 1086 Rock-Its Destroyed: 1666 Long Shots Destroyed: 359 ShaveIce Destroyed: 176
Ah, turret destruction. Good times with turrets. I love taking out turrets. It's cool how they track the number of turrets you've destroyed, and even the number of turrets you've built. Have you ever noticed how little kids and otherwise slow people say, "turrents?" Lazer Blazers: 1066 Rock-its: 1103 Long Shots: 363 Shave Ice: 91 Hudson, we played together the other night (cpt stubing06)... dunno if you noticed, but I was the guy who kept besting you for first place. Really, though, it was a nice break from struggling with weak teams. Hit me up on live if you're looking for another support player to fill in while greggyyyy goes off on one of his shotgun sprees.
Crack is wack... LB: 1786 RI: 2628 LS: 896 SI: 453 Yes. I'd also like to see stats/tags for hacking enemy turrets and hacking back stolen turrets. They were quite common during the first two weeks. Back then I'd kill a couple each match. Nowadays, the only regulars I see building them are the Japanese players in the early hours. They tend to treat MNC like a tower defense game instead of a CoD killfest. ...
Yup noticed the japanese doing that. Good for them. I get pissed with my own team for not taking the objectives more seriously. Call of Duty, Halo and Gears of War has ruined them ;p Lazer Blazer: 543 Rock It: 523 Long Shot: 238 Shave Ice: 64
Lazer Blazers Destroyed: 567 Rock-Its Destroyed: 914 Long Shots Destroyed: 164 ShaveIce Destroyed: 52 Supports =/= Turrent killer