Turret Balance

Discussion in 'Support!' started by theonehighlander, June 18, 2013.

  1. theonehighlander

    theonehighlander New Member

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    I am sure this will probably be looked at but this is a serious issue in my opinion. Turret spamming is currently far too easy and its way, WAY too strong. If you try to do a T1 attack or harass its a waste of time because turrets just completely destroy anything you throw at them. This basically makes the game a T2 rush which is kind of boring. Even when you do have T2 it is still VERY difficult to break turret lines.

    I know this is alpha but please make some sort of change to this. I don't want to make the turtle strategy nonviable but currently it is the ONLY strategy that works. It makes the game stale and boring. Please do something to discourage turtling with turrets :(
  2. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    I actually find that T1 Spamming is much, MUCH more effective than T2. If you get 10-20 T1 Factories pumping out units a few minutes into the game, you have an army capable of flattening bases a few minutes later. T2 is way underpowered at the moment actually :p

    The only two units that make/made T2 good was the old Stomper that could literally remove bases from existence in a matter of half-seconds, and the Leviathan which is still just ball-breakingly OP. I purposefully avoid bodies of water just to keep the damn things away, they're like gnats but with Brownings attached.
  3. dacite

    dacite Member

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    Same. People can't seem to break out of the 2-3 factory 20 tank mindset. You should have 20 factories and 200 tanks.
  4. GreenBag

    GreenBag Active Member

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    Fully agree you never stop building building building.
    I've played a game where I built a single naval factory(Did built tons of T1 and T2 factories for bots,tanks and planes) in a small ocean scouted it for any other base with none there I built so much power and metal extractors. I went back to the lake after an hour and the lake was nothing but economy.....really should have put turrets around it but by that time the last player was on the opposite side of it anyway
  5. theonehighlander

    theonehighlander New Member

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    The thing is about having this many factories is that it takes a while. If this game where to be an e-sport no one would watch it because its boring to watch someone build up the econ to support 20 factories let alone play. I just think some changes need to be made to the turrets is all.
  6. GreenBag

    GreenBag Active Member

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    I generally build a lot of T1 turrets when I'm establishing a perimeter because they're quicker to build and until I know where my opponent is attacking from it's a better use of resources if I've had a major attack repulsed and have had to move my army there I generally then reinforce it with T2 turrets if I can find the right fabber....really need to keep better track of them I think...
  7. dacite

    dacite Member

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    You're not going to enjoy this game very much if you think building up economy and massive amounts of production aren't fun.


    You don't wait for all the factories to finish before you attack, you constantly probe and snipe with streams of T1 units as factories come online. When mass points are brought in this sort of game-play will become even more prevalent and turtling will get even less rewarding. Turrets need to be cost efficient to make up for their lack of mobility which is so easily exploited in a game which emphasis on territory control. New players always thought supcom's PD was OP because of how easily it chewed through T1 tanks but then they learn that the best way to defeat a turret is to go around it.
  8. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    This is where you're wrong :D

    After I build my initial Air and Bot factories, I set my Commander and a few Air Engis to build a butt-ton of power and mass, and have 5-10 Fabber Bots just spam up a few vehicle and bot facs (by a few I mean 30 in a decently sized field). Factories are deceptively cheap in both TA and PA, and you shouldn't refrain from building them just because they have short build times and as a result, require a lot of resources at once to build.
  9. wtfitsnotbutter

    wtfitsnotbutter New Member

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    I have never had any real problem with taking down turrets
    now if there as any meaningful number of walls around, that **** just never dies
  10. Cheeseless

    Cheeseless Member

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    Bah, I ind turrets easy to deal with, at least on small maps. just go around the planet or flank it. Either that or you could try focusing your military in artillery to destroy the turrets.
  11. godde

    godde Well-Known Member

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    I would like to see some kind of formation system before turrets are nerfed. Currently units tend to ball up or attack 1 and 1.
  12. theonehighlander

    theonehighlander New Member

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    Lol its not that I don't think building things is fun. I play a lot of different RTS games. I can hands down say turrets are too powerful. There is no gameplay or skill in that. I can't even harass with a few units because they all get killed by auto turrets? how is that balanced at all. I mean basically what you are saying is the game doesnt start for 20 minutes. L2Build 500 tanks before any action comes into play. From what I understand the devs want this to be an attractive e-sport. No one and I mean NO ONE wants to watch you build 500 turrets for 30 minutes. Its not entertaining. There is a reason Starcraft 2 is the most popular RTS e-sport. It has entertainment due to UNIT control. No one has ever said man did you see the way those turrets just killed everything and he did nothing. My god cause that takes skill. Stop trying to justify something that is clearly broken.
  13. theonehighlander

    theonehighlander New Member

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    You all try to justify that turrets are balanced yet they can wipe out entire armies and prevent any sort of early game action. There is nothing wrong with base building. If all you can do for 20 minutes of the game is build this game will be fun but it will not be an e-sport. It also will not appeal to alot of people. People like action, not watching you build like 50 power plants and metal extractors to build 40 facts so you can attack some turrets.
  14. godde

    godde Well-Known Member

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    How can you say turret balance is broken?
    How about fixing the UI so you can actually control your units effectively instead of nerfing the turrets?
  15. veta

    veta Active Member

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    Turrets aren't balanced right now, that's okay. Nothing is balanced yet.

    There will be a time to talk about balance, OP. Any feedback is good feedback though.
    Last edited: June 18, 2013
  16. GreenBag

    GreenBag Active Member

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    I do find it easy to find my opponents as they generally don't try and hide what direction they came from. So a recon heading back towards their direction to confirm whilst being followed by an army of bombers to snipe their commander whilst they are rebuilding
  17. xanoxis

    xanoxis Active Member

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    Problem is not in turrets but in UI, units tend to attack in straight formation.
  18. jacoby6000

    jacoby6000 Member

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    I can't help but feel like you are all missing the point.

    Turrets are OP right now, because a person can make a dense base with a ridiculous amount of metal extractors, and never have to move away. Once metal points are introduced, people can't do that. They will quickly run out of resources, and be killed because they can't maintain their defenses with such a low income.

    Turtling will only be possible if the turtle quickly takes the majority of the mass points, and builds a turtle base all over them, simultaneously. This is impossible.

    Balancing the turrets isn't priority for Uber and it won't be. This is because the play style exploiting turrets will be impossible soon.

    EDIT: Also, this
    Once they get path finding working, that wont be an issue either.
  19. godde

    godde Well-Known Member

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    Technically I don't think it is as much about pathing-finding but rather about attaining some sort of formation so all units doesn't converge on a single point.
  20. ferrat70

    ferrat70 New Member

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    I would like to add, that the current spamming of turrets, isn't actually being a turtle.

    When mass points come online, thats when the true turtlers will come out, takes a lot of skill and decision making to pull it off.

    As you can tell I am a turtle from back in the days of TA :cool:

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