Firebase and Lv2/Lv3 Rockit are the only turrets worth half a crap. Hacked Lv3 Rockit is ridiculously overpowered. Everything else is too fragile to bother with.
Lvl 3 LongShot is useful to shell away at unprotected stuff and camping players. A single one won't do much though.
Don't underestimate them Shave-Ice turrets. Sure they don't get kills nor do the net you coin but the benefit from them is great.
Could you elaborate on that, pls? You can probably annoy the Assassins a bit but they will find a way around I think. And the slowdown is nice but only useful if you are forced to defend. A RockIT will probably be more useful to kill bots. What am I missing?
With the right placement, lvl and hack they can just about reach mid field and be able to effect both bots lanes. Also when juiced Pros try to wreck your defenses it make them easier to crowd control and waste their juice. Destroying 2 turrets instead of maybe 5. Lets be honest no matter how evenly the teams are matched you can't control both lanes all the time. There's a push and pull and it's better to think ahead and invest early so if and when turrets are destroyed you have backup cash. Shave-Ice turrets paired with Rock-Its are devastating even more so if both are hacked.
QFT Shave Ice serves far more use in Blitz than in CF, since only in Blitz do bots speed up. In CF, because they're all moving at the painfully slow rate that lets them get absolutely destroyed by rockit turrets, and assassin's are easy enough to spot and kill anyway (plus ice doesn't stop them lunging/sprinting out by stopping them dead) they're just oversized donation money bags for the other team. Plus it takes up a turret nub for, say, a Rockit turret. Speaking of taking up turret nubs, christ people are so ******* dense. They STILL build long-shot turrets on the moneyball nubs, so they can't aim through the damn spawnroom ring above.