Turret and Bot Kills in score screen?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Wishlist' started by ricefrog, January 12, 2011.

  1. ricefrog

    ricefrog New Member

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    What do people think about adding turret and bot kills to the score screen, where we currently see only kills, assists, deaths, and money?

    I think folks should get a little credit for focusing on things other than killing the enemy players.

    I don't mind that I'm in the middle of the pack score-wise with a 0.5 k/d at the end of a very close win where I dedicated myself 100% to a certain goal like "keep the enemy turrets down despite that enemy defensive support." What makes me a little sad is that nobody else can see that I had twenty turret kills, which to me is a lot.

    Besides, we spend long enough staring at that score screen during the post-game countdown where we can't chat. Couldn't hurt to make it more interesting to read.
  2. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    Yes. In fact, I would like a more detailed sheet of everything I could tell about a player.

    Whether or not they bought Annihilator; whether or not they bought bots during the round; whether or not they upgraded turrets at all; did they even juice once? ; did they even bother to shoot the moneyball and do damage?

    All those are questions I ask myself after a game with a BAD team. It's also something that let's me know who the good players REALLY are. :cool:
  3. NeLoDK

    NeLoDK New Member

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    Yeah great Idea. Ring outs would be awesome to show off :)

    + It will give people something to look for, topping the scoreboard in something will be a goal for them.

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