Turnaround game.

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by stigy98, December 23, 2013.

  1. stigy98

    stigy98 New Member

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    Not much of a discussion but praise for how well the game works.

    In a 3v3 battle. Me and a couple friends were on one team with randomness on the other. We started on a lava planet with a single moon and then further out there was an ice planet with a single moon. Late into the game the attempted a Holkins creep just as we were setting up in the far moon. This was followed up by an ant attack of EPIC proportion. We ran our last two commanders to the closest moon and ditched the lava planet and thus leaving it to them. The lava planet moon became overrun by them and resulted in us sacrificing a commander in a ditch to nuke their base. It failed.

    The last two commanders were on the ice moon with their commander heading our way. It got there before bring shot down by an avenger. One commander ran to the ice planet and started a massive base there. We ends up controlling every metal spot in that planet and was pumping out avengers for an invasion. The sent massive amounts of avengers to the moon until realising that we were controlling the ice planet as well. This caused a huge stalemate. Our team ended up with 500+ avengers and their team a few more until they got bored and left.

    Grata on Uber for making this game one to turn around quickly and turn defeat into victory!

    (Make avengers more expensive) ;)

  2. urablahblah

    urablahblah Member

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    So the game works well because it's possible to get caught in a stalemate?
    beer4blood likes this.
  3. stigy98

    stigy98 New Member

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    I meant. Thanks for making the game able to play from the start of nothing and not just get nuked and this it, like in C and C.
  4. Zoliru

    Zoliru Active Member

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    Scale scale scale im loving the scale bicous if you use your brain you cannot die !

    mehhh that was bad anyway Scale ftw.
  5. ORFJackal

    ORFJackal Active Member

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    I agree that we need more options for making late-game interplanetary war more interesting. I was just in an over hour long game where the latter half was quite boring:


    I had won the main planet but the other remaining player had escaped to an asteroid that rotated the main planet - I was mostly trying to just build more nukes than his antinukes can handle and trying to nuke the halleys on that moon. Additionally my commander had already moved to another planet (wholly at my control), and he also had an expansion on another planet (wholly at his control), and there was still one more planet totally empty.

    My biggest problem was in trying to locate his commander (e.g. by sending advanced radar satellites to other planets and hoping to get a glimpse of it before the enemy's orbital defences take it out). I think he also was doing the same, because he took a long time before starting his halleys, but eventually he shot the asteroid at the planet where my commander had moved.

    At 65 minutes my opponent left the game because it seemed that his asteroid was stuck in space. At 71 minutes the asteroid anyhow got unstuck and hit my secondary planet - long after I had moved my commander away from there back to the main planet, so that asteroid only cost me about half of my 3800 metal and 750k energy income.

    After that, when I had finished sending advanced radar satellites to every planet, I could see the last planet that was under my opponent's control. I saw an abandoned Astraeus there, but could not find his commander even after many minutes (I'm guessing that the commander icon was not showing up due to some bug).

    The game ended suddenly at 75 minutes when my opponent exploded without anybody touching. He had left the game 10 minutes earlier, so I guess that the game has some timer that automatically kills players who are offline for more than 10 minutes.

    My main problems with the current interplanetary war:

    - Finding enemy commanders is too complicated when you don't know on which planet they are (and even after knowing the planet it's easier said than done).
    - The game becomes a game of cat and mouse when commanders hop from planet to planet (especially when avoiding asteroids).
    - Invading a planet that is under another player's control is extremely hard, even if you have superior economy and control all the other planets in the universe. The options are basically (1) use an asteroid, (2) build 100+ nukes and carpet bomb the planet, (3) use a bunch of Astraeus to land some fabricators there* in hope of building an expansion without him noticing (quite hopeless when the opponent has full vision of land and orbital).
    - The end-game easily drags on and on.
    - The galactic view is buggy.

    * Probably a combination of T1 and T2 fabbers, to be able to build spam the cheaper faster-to-build T1 turrets and pelters before getting run over by the land and air forces.
  6. ORFJackal

    ORFJackal Active Member

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    Speaking of carpet bombing, I'd like an area attack feature for nukes. If I have built 10 nukes which all area ready to launch, I'd want to select all of them and then select the area to bombard (e.g. a large base or a whole asteroid) and the game would spread the nukes evenly over the target area.

    I'd also want an area assist command for fabricators and factories producing fabricators. My last game had uninteresting micro-management in spreading over 100 fabricators evenly over my 9 nuke silos - and I had 3 nearby factories constantly producing more fabricators to assist them. AFAIK, currently you can assist only one building, which creates the problem that you have idle fabricators when a nuke/anti-nuke is finished, even though next to it is another nuke that could benefit from more fabbers assisting it.
    Last edited: December 24, 2013
    smendoza likes this.
  7. ORFJackal

    ORFJackal Active Member

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    Actually the area repair command seems to work like that. If you do an area repair for a bunch bot factories, then the fabricators will typically assist one factory until it's finished and then switch to the closest other factory and assist that - bouncing back and forth between them two and sometimes randomly moving to assist something else.

    EDIT: Unfortunately area repair doesn't seem to work for assisting nuke building.
    Last edited: December 24, 2013

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