In this video you can't see the assassin but you see shruikens. Honestly most of us have had this happen in a game and don't know why. Truth to this is simply wall bouncing the shruikens and having them ricochette into the area. Not a glitch, not a hack, just great wall bouncing.
^ ^ ^ LIES! It happens when an Assassin gets the invincibility glitch and someone tries to kill her with a charge. Most times her body will go straight up in the air but in the player's screen it won't change where she is. ^ ^ ^ TRUTH! Also, this.
It's apparent that she's stuck in the invincible glitch and also is invisible. Also, the correct term for bouncing shurikens off walls is "usin' dem angoos". And lastly, even if it was shurikens being bounced off a wall, it isn't great placement, it's some assassin making themselves useless by sitting on their side of the map bouncing shurikens through the cubby hole for 3 minutes straight. Just my 2 cents though.