So there has been a decent amount of talk about how multiple planet transportation will work. One such thing is the teleporter, which uses a large amount of energy to transport a unit anywhere, but the way it is being described it sounds like it will be too costly to really send large amount of units through quickly, so it isn't that viable for large scale invasions, mainly commander transport to expand to another planet. Which I guess you can consider a large scale invasion :lol: My idea for a cheaper more large scale solution would be to have a "Space Elevator" type structure that is just 2 cables going from an anchor structure on the planet to an anchor platform at the orbital layer, units would ride to the platform on the cables like a ski lift, but simply by being grabbed by tiny hooks (simple animation wise). At the platform you would have special orbital layer transports dock at the platforms (via assist click) and pick up incoming units until full. They would move slowly and simply transfer orbits from the orbital layer, no real control in space, much like sending a rocket or a asteroid at a location. They would then be able to drop units off in a similar fashion used by the unit cannon, whether that be little pods or thrusters on the units themselves, especially since all units are the best unit at what they do being refined machines of war and all it would make sense if they had thruster. Anti-orbital tier weapons would be able to kill the transports fairly easily so you could keep a bases sky clear, or at least clearer so you have less pods falling on your base, or a planet safe from smaller attacks if spaced out. Then missile turrets would counter the pods to prevent an army from dropping into the middle of your base, especially in combination with the anti-orbit tier weapons. Worst case scenario I mod it in myself when the game releases and test it on my own server and see what it plays like in-game.
The simplest solutions are best. Pile up on an asteroid and ride across the cosmos. Drop rocks on thick defenses, and drop units to clean up the rest.
The Topic Index in General Discussion has a hew threads on the topic of interplanetary transport. Mike