I know that the translation of the game to another language - a very difficult task, but the developers could provide file editing which it would be possible to edit the names of units and menu items. Community members would be fully able to perform the translation of the game.
Yes, you're right, but I wonder do not ask to add support for the Russian language, but find out which languages really in demand.
This is an english forum, so all other languages are automatically in a minority. Not the most unbiased place to do it.
Given that its also the only forum that may mean its less biased than usual though. Even so, I think given enough resources translation into as many languages as possible would be a good thing.
No historically accurate Chaucerian English translation, no sale. Reconstructed Indo-European would also be acceptable. Maybe Aramaic.
I didnt know that english isnt implemented... Another question: Which narrator will you have for the german fans?
If some other language than English has to be supported, please make sure the translators know the game or at least the gaming industry. I can't count the number of games with horrible translation, inaccuracies, even non-sense because they don't know what they are talking about. The community could help too, and even sometimes produce a better work than most "professionals". Slap there a small reward, and people will lay golden eggs. Heu, translations. I, for exemple, can help with a French version (native language).
While I can support translations, I do suggest using it only where neccesary, for example unit names is a big no, whilst menu options could probably get away with being translated. As for dialog, I don't think that would quite fit. However, as long as there is an option for all of the above, I will not be too bothered, for I can just keep it English.
Although I can play in English, I would love to have the game available in my native language which is Korean. I would love to be able introduce this game to my friends and other people in general. Its always better when more people are enjoying a game right? Of course Korean would be a minority so I would not be expecting Uber to do any work, but as mentioned it would be great to have the tools to translate even for somebody like me who has no coding skills. Just like editing a file through notepads? I guess this game wouldn`t have that kind of accessibility so I wish the modding community would make translation tutorials. Guess we'll know more as the game is more developed.
The translation files will all be accessible by the community so we can fix bad string and/or crowdsource new languages if necessary.