Put a training video on the Xbox dashboard in the spotlight. Show the importance of killing bots/turrets and shooting the moneyball. Simple as that. Kids just don't know what to do, ya dig? I don't think I'm asking for the Moon, here.
I don't think it's a very helpful video. It talks alot about turrets and anti-assassin information. I was talking about showing how to push the bots. Watch the video they already have and tell me if it's helpful.
It's only like 1% of the things everybody should know. Even for Inside Xbox standards, it's not very helpful. Kids come into this game saying "I know not to spend all my money on Rocket turrets. I also know how to avoid an unskilled Assassin with a Tank and an Assault." Personally, I think there is more important things to know... Like everything else.
It would be nice if someone made a general tutorial on the basics of how the matches worked. Also a class by class tutorial of how to play without getting your *** handed to you your first X amount of games.