Taken directly from TEG, posted by xShammas: Show me 8 willing teams, and I will host and organize a double elimination MNC tournament. The Grand Prize- A night on the town with yours truly. But seriously, it would be lots of fun. Post if your team is interested and spread the word. Post your team leader as the one who will be basically setting up and scheduling matches for your team, and can be contacted easily.
Also taken from TEG, so some sections/threads reference those forums (btw feel free to check them out and join): Off the top of my head, these people play and post here and are presumably without a team (Sorry if you have a team and I don't know): Mark XVIII The Con3 Dutch Kid Snarf Wildman GRRRKILL Dead Stretch Jimmeh2Ballz Psycho Ben The Dude Reanimated Ace Govnerplatypus There are more that I didn't mention. I'm going to start sending messages to frequent pub players and see if I can get a few of their friends to make teams and sign up. I'd love it you guys directed them to this thread and helped spread the word as well. Post your official teams if you have them, and I'll edit them into the main post. If you're looking to find a team, post in Wildman's thread or in the F/A thread in the competitive discussion. I'm very optimistic about this and I look forward to making it happen, and hopefully making more tournaments happen after this one.
even for people who dont think they would be able to stack up with the top 3 teams, thats 5 teams worth of double elimination with people of comparable skill level, which is still fun competition to see where you place. Also this just in, upsets can happen, and when **** first emerged they were a group of above average players who used great teamwork and turned some heads. Make teams i would love to see this happen
Fabricio Werdum will make the "Dutch Cyclone" Alistair Overeem tap like he did to Emelianenko Fedor. Overeem era will end tomorrow!
Raw Messiah is coming to 360 soon - we'll definitely be up for this. Probably a few weeks before everyone gets used to a controller. Confirmed RWM: verden Myst Robinson Sushi Vlane
lol, is this just a ploy to get someone to go to the liquor store for you? 'cause if it is just send me a PM dude.
atm looks like 4-5 teams with plenty of F/A's still who i know want to be on or create teams. looks promising so far. keep it up
You guys should sign up on http://thundereaglegroup.freeforums.org/ And let me know your actual gamertags once you get them.