Toughest Class

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by percept, March 22, 2011.


Toughest Class

  1. Assassin

    15 vote(s)
  2. Assault

    5 vote(s)
  3. Gunner

    7 vote(s)
  4. Sniper

    8 vote(s)
  5. Support

    8 vote(s)
  6. Tank

    10 vote(s)
  1. percept

    percept New Member

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    Which class does the community find to be the toughest to play proficiently?

    I'm really interested in what the community finds to be the class with the toughest learning curve / mastery

    This isn't about which class you find to be the most "op" or has the most "utility" but all opinions are encouraged, so please state them (but don't rant)
  2. Virulence

    Virulence New Member

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    I'll say Gunner. It's like being a Tank but you have a really long range $550 Jet Gun but it needs to warm up for four seconds, a backgrapple vulnerability, and a face framed between two huge shoulders like a nice portrait for enemy Snipers.
  3. Sayed Stafa

    Sayed Stafa New Member

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    I voted Sniper because you need to have good aim to be a good sniper, which I'm not too great at _
  4. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    I'd say that while it's really easy to just utterly dominate bad players with the gunner, he's definitely the toughest to play against other good players
  5. ars0n1st

    ars0n1st Member

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    I will choose assassin here. Reason being they have an incredibly high skill ceiling.

    Assassin - moderate skill floor(correctly played) extremely high skill ceiling
    Sniper - low skill floor(anyone can click on a box) high skill ceiling (partly genetic a person has limits to how high of a reaction time and dexterity they can achieve)
    Gunner - low skill floor moderate skill ceiling
    Tank - moderate skill floor fairly high skill ceiling
    Assault - very low skill floor extremely high skill ceiling
    Support - moderate if not low skill floor moderate to high skill ceiling

    This is of course pro vs pro.
  6. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    Compared to the Gunner, I give Assault a moderate skill floor, between Gunner and the Sin. The major pro about the Assault class is the versatility on both the battlefield, and in the range of endorsements. In terms of Bot killing, the Assault is lacking a little, but is good enough to keep a few blackjacks away from the moneyball in a tight spot, whereas, the Tank and Sin have few excuses for letting bots get close altogether.

    The Sniper I consider to have a high skill floor and hardware floor. Hardware in terms of mouse quality, and the framerate, contributing to the player's ability. The Gunner and Tank possess little to no threat to a sniper, leaving the Sin and Assault the responsibility of harassing the Sniper. The Assault is slightly more effective due to the lack of need to venture close to the Sniper via Bombs and the Rifle, bombs being the main form of killing said Sniper.
  7. RayHanley

    RayHanley New Member

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    i would say the assassin is the hardest to play proficiently since this class is the most challenged in survivability and doing her job requires putting herself at risk.

    i'd vote second for assault, for obvious reasons,
    or gunner because i tried a round of exhibition blitz and was terrible at him. he's the only class that i let the moneyball shields down.
  8. OD78891

    OD78891 New Member

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    Support, yes his turrets do most of the work, but against good players, support has a hard time dealing with pros. Not to mention he has a terrible time clearing bots when the need arises, and the only place he is 90% protected most of the time is his base. Moving up completely relies on your team, a solo support never gets far.

    And while his shotgun can definitely put a hurt on every pro, it comes down to sneak and ambush tactics, which can be very difficult on certain maps where your enemy has a clear line of sight of you.

    He is strictly defense, and that's what makes him so tough to use against a team that is a raging offense or juicing behemoth of tanks and gunners. Let's not forget about hard it is to counter juiced players as a support.
  9. Revolution_Jones

    Revolution_Jones New Member

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    I put assault first because of things I've said before. His charge is like bottom of all special moves. His charge vs any other (slam, lunge grapple, T.Charge, regular grapple) usually ends up with his charge losing. I personally believe his jet should make him faster if he's supposed to be for guerrilla tactics, but that's my opinion.

    I don't understand all the forgiveness for the sin. I remember when camping, spamming one shot kills, and the bulk of what the Assassin is about was frowned on in past games. Ever since TF2, it's now lauded as a legit tactic. Did I miss a memo?

    I will admit she's easy to kill, but I remember when online gaming just got off of the ground, such tactics would earn ire. I guess I'm stuck in my ways.
  10. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Certain maps? Lol. Pretty much every map besides LazeRazor has such open line of sight that its damn near impossible NOT to know where enemies are almost all the time. Its precisely why there was and still is so much rage about the Sniper.
  11. miahbot

    miahbot New Member

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    Dont forget you can lane with your bots, not just team mates! And with upgraded air strike... If you are sitting in your base even as support youre not killing bots, and turrets should just take a second to build or upgrade before you go hunting for more coins.
  12. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    I'd say the Support has the biggest job throughout a game and juggling between those jobs can be quite challenging. Gunner would be my second choice simply because of all the things that could beat it.

    I don't understand how Sin has the most votes yet Tanks have the least. Sins are as basic as it gets, you kill bots and get juice. that juice is used to kill turrets/pros. The rest can be challenging but it isn't necessarily the Sin's place to go around killing Pros though I am fine with them doing that so long as they also take on their primary objective. Other classes can get the job done quicker and much more efficiently imo.
  13. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Because tank is not that hard? Most of the time a problem is dealt with charge+DB. Bots destroy themselves when looking at the product grenade and even lvl 3.3 rockits have nothing on a juiced jetgun.

    Also tank has one of the most valuable things I can think of twice: a clutch passive
  14. d-roy

    d-roy Active Member

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    I voted on the sniper 'cause it's the only class WITHOUT a skill ceiling.
  15. Runie

    Runie New Member

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    I think we're talking about skill floors not ceilings. In that case it's sin. No survivability and has to get in close to deal damage.
  16. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    I played sin today against a formidable team and lost with 52 bot kills to my name. Its just I could not get out of my base. I had to deal with juiced assassin after juiced assassin and the only way to deal with them was to get too close.

    It just did not feel fair that while I had earned quite a few bot kill s compared to my allies I could not do more that kill bots and try to rebuild because our tank was too busy being an idiot.

    I mean I could deal with the bots but it seemed that the enemy tank was so focused on making my day terrible whenever I got close to the bots.

    I had no long range alternative if my enemy was doing anything but standing still. I wont call assassin underpowered but I really am beginning to hate people who criticize me for playing assassin and not being able to kill two juiced players 3 waves of bots and defend a turret.
  17. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    i chose support as it is the toughest for me to play, second would be sin, i simply suck with these 2 classes, easiest i would say gunner/tank/sniper all pretty easy to get to grips with.
  18. duckling

    duckling New Member

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    I find sin pretty easy if you concentrate on bots and leave pros alone (good at running away and hiding), but it's also my favorite class. Though often pointless if you have an opposing team full of tanks and gunners.

    I can't play tank well (or stand to play it).
  19. RayHanley

    RayHanley New Member

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    i don't think that's right
  20. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    and yet every class besides Assassin can destroy a Tank. Someone just learning the class is going to be out damaged by Gunners, Assaults, and Supports as well depending on the situation. Snipers are extremely annoying as Tank and they can still one shot you no matter how many rails you shoot at him.

    though I suppose its just a matter of perspective. What kind of area are we looking at here? Are we learning in a noob infested area or an area with players of higher skill? If its the second choice than Tank would be far from the easiest.

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