Now, don't get me wrong, I loved the original Total Annihilation game, and I really like the idea of Planetary Annihilation, but when I saw the trailer for that new game, I had three main thoughts: 1) Wow, it's even better than the first game! 2) Holy crap, this game looks amazing... 3) Yeah, my computer isn't gonna run that. That's what my main concern is with this new title. Not only does this game look very advanced for computers with not as much performance, but it looks like a hopeless case for someone with an early-Windows7 Era... and no matter how much you can turn down the quality, I know it's not gonna work well. Now, I'm not asking to destroy the perfected graphics on Planetary Annihilation... what I really want is the classic Total Annihilation. Yeah, things like sell it... but it has compatibility problems with newer Windows computers. So, what if there were a Total Annihilation HD edition? I would really buy a game like that, the second it came off the market. For people who don't have a computer for newer releases, an older game remastered sounds like a great idea to me. Uber, if you see this post, please consider creating the classic TA game with HD textures... after of course, all this stuff with Planetary Annihilation... I know throwing planets at your opponents is something nobody wants to miss, (not mocking that, that was the biggest concept that i liked about the new TA) and then they wouldn't want to miss their opponents' faces... :shock:
Google the following: TA3d, and TA Spring. The issue is that Uber doesn't own the rights to the TA franchise, and they are uninterested in paying (was it Atari?) $250k just so they can do a graphical revamp for TA. Especially when there are already two, completely free, graphical revamps existing for TA, both of which are pretty decent for being entirely open source content. And mind you, open source content is more appealing to your average consumer than proprietary content because open source content is free!