Total Annihilation MOD called TA ZERO

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by sturm532, October 21, 2012.

  1. sturm532

    sturm532 Member

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    Goodday all I come o you bringing news of a TA mod i just recently found namely the TA ZERO mod its a mod that started out as a Naval Enhancement but to my vage knowledge of mod i believe i read that another mod has been combined with the Naval mod creating the TA ZERO mod.

    Fine you say another TA MOD, well fine it is this one's special it even ads another race to the game and ads or totaly replaces structures and units with some very special ones

    the website has a description for the units now released with the mods and most units are tier 1 and there are tier 2 units.

    The new race is called GAurdians of KAdesh or GOK and some of their units have shields and one unit is a tier 2 kbot on four high legs with fast mobility and plasma shields wich looks very awesome their also is a arm transport with a nanolater and their are other units with a nanolathe

    the website has a full description of the units now finished and it has its own forum ( haven't been there yet ) and a down load link for the mod and its now at ALpha three stage....

    here's the link to the website and people this is not an old mod this is new/recent and in my eyes a very special mod with very original ideas

    Happy gaming

    NOTE :: for the people that don't own Total Annihilation you can get them at ( Good Old Games ) and thruw the Impulse service ( search for impulse or even ad TA after that and the page should come up in google) ...
    OKe just searched myself and its

    at GOG the game is 5,99

    at Impulse its 8,99 an needs the gapstop app and for what i just don't know
    they both contain the Core COntingency expansion and Battle Tactics.

    i read some thing about an attempt to revive the Multiplayer aspect of Total Annihilation by i believe one of these game providers ( have to do some research )


    about AI there is a new/old ai haven't read anything about it but its good and if you go up against the be aware of large masses of units

    IMPORTANT NOTE:: the released version is now alpha 3b and only contains tier 1 units the tier 2 units will be in the alpha 4 wich isn't released as in their still being worked on or they still have to be put in the game, i don't have contact with the developers...
  2. sturm532

    sturm532 Member

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    I found a video compilatian of TA zero

    I might make a vid of my own i just have to see if fraps is working right

    NOTE ::
    when playing the mod be sure to set your resolution to 1024x (758) it must be atleast that or you can make it higher
  3. tashadan

    tashadan Active Member

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    This mod is great and was updated recently.

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