Too many assassins

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Providence, December 21, 2010.

  1. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    2-3 assassins each team every game. Please limit them to 1 per team. Thanks!
  2. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    I read in an article somewhere that Assassin is the favorite class of new players.

    As such, it is the least favorite class of veterans.

    Something to do with how pro assassins make it look like a pure killing machine. The article also noted that most newbies play her simply because she is female.
  3. faits

    faits New Member

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    I've got my server set to only allow two assassins. I haven't played on it since I made the change though, so I don't know for certain if that option works yet or not.
  4. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Limiting assassins seem silly. They're really not that good in multiples.
  5. faits

    faits New Member

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    That's why I limited them. When the other five people on your team all go assassin it can be incredibly frustrating.

    On one hand I feel like people have to make their own mistakes and learn from them, but I also feel like the one or two people who are playing for the team and not choosing assassin shouldn't have an annoying experience.
  6. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    Limiting Assassins or Snipers isn't a game balance issue. It is more about giving the pubbies safety scissors. By limiting the number of assassins they can have on their team, you limit their ability to self-sabotage and ruin the game for everyone else.

    The cloaking instakill style gameplay and the long range instakill gameplay tends to attract noobs, even if they are terrible at it.
  7. faits

    faits New Member

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    I don't think limiting classes works yet. I played a round of games on my server and at one point my team had selected three assassins (but one changed to tank before the match actually started.)
  8. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Too many Good assassins can really shut down to opposing Pros.

    Too many bad assassins are just a joy to play against IMO, as Assault I've started to deal with Assassins in general better, between charge, backpeddling and laying down remote charges to just floating out of reach I get plenty of Assassin kills.

    I guess it also depends on how large the teams are, its kinda the same thing that happens in TF2, in smaller teams liek 3-4 people a team a single heavy can be a major issue and you get similar situations happening in MNC as well.

  9. Hako

    Hako New Member

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    When there's a bunch of recons on the enemy team it's pretty easy to push forward since most recons don't have any point presence and can't hold it.
  10. rUprofessional24

    rUprofessional24 New Member

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    This is one of the best balanced games I've played, so the number of assassins will eventually thin out as new players become experienced and play around with other classes. Unfortunately, that may be a few months from now as it hasn't even officially released yet. Additionally, as players learn how to deal with assassins effectively, new players will be discouraged from playing such a difficult (but cool and fun) starting class and will likely switch around a lot. In the meantime, the idea of admins limiting the numbers on their own servers though isn't a bad idea. I think a limit of 2 per team is fair. I mainly play assassin but if I see 2 people already pick it, I switch it up to gunner so we don't get ROFLstomped.
  11. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Assassins are not a class that can advance lanes. They are best used as an obstacle remover with team communication. Assassins alone will not win games. You need the other classes to push where the assassin cannot. Tanks, gunners and assaults are necessary. Its incredibly easy for those three classes to counter the assassin.
  12. Lipucd

    Lipucd New Member

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    True, but then again from my experance all one really needs is a sniper, a tank, and an Assassin. As long as you stop the other side's pros from getting cash to get skills more less forafy their base, your going to win, more less it because stupid easy for those three to just push a single lane and the other side unless equal in match up and skill can't really do **** about. A sniper will kill a gunner TOO easy if he's got RoF gold, a Tank can easly kill every other class getting into mid to close range if they get Armor gold, and a Assassin takes care of any snipers and slow bulky classes we would try to send out beyond a gold armored tank of our own...

    As such seeing a team of those three competency maul another in a few seconds flat is becoming a bit too common place...And with at least a few 3000's accounts, and about the same 100 or so pulling this off, more less hosting the servers....YEAH...depression strikes hard.
  13. Mastah

    Mastah New Member

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    Actually, as a pround Gunner, I have to disagree with this. Mortars are the perfect counter to snipers, they never really bother me. As for tanks, with gold or silver RoF they're dead meat to me, even at short range :mrgreen:
  14. Lipucd

    Lipucd New Member

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    I try moldering them as well, I normally end up dead before I can get off the second fire with RoF Silver, and most will live a lv3 shot with half health. The Ammomule stage I think is the worse overall for this type of tatic as a gunner will chances are never get into range to fight a sniper close enough, and unless you catch an assassin with your jets or time a pound right, they have a ton of room to run around and hide from view, and ether you can act like a fool and bunny hop and spin around in hopes to not be caught and get pegged by explosive shots all the while, or you can run for it and get gimped anyhoo...

    ...Sadly all I am seeing is a lose/lose situation here if you run up ageist a team of those three...But who knows right? Maybe I'm just too green to see what all you see as viable and I just can't keep up.
  15. Mastah

    Mastah New Member

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    I guess it's a question of habit and knowing how each class works. I have played as a gunner 90% of the time since MNC was realeased on Xbox, that's why I've adapted my tactics against classes which were a big problem for me at the beginning.

    Hopefully you'll be able to adapt too ;)
  16. NeoMatrix

    NeoMatrix New Member

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    I like when the other team has 2-3 assassins, it generally means my team is going to win! :)
  17. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I Love seeing 3 + assassins, because it generally means at least 2 of them don't wear armor and can be one shotted by death blossom and or charge 3. :)
  18. Gturtle

    Gturtle New Member

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    Assassins advance multiple lanes better than any class in the game. They've got the most speed, so can move from group to group and from lane to lane faster than any class, they can cloak to avoid or ambush enemy pros, they can smoke bomb to stun turrets and take out a group of bots before it even manages to leave the enemy base; plus they make jackbots look like they're made out of paper.
  19. Suetake

    Suetake New Member

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    My best counter to this was going tank. Played a couple matches against at least 3-4 people on a team that went assassin, so i went tank, they try ta backstab me, i just spun and charged

    and if i spot em before they get close enough, a simple burndown never hurt anyone ('cept them of course)
  20. Ferocity

    Ferocity New Member

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    I was in a game earlier with four assassins on the oposite team. I played as Tank with Gold Armor endorcement and fully upgraded Passive skill. It was so dang fun! ^^

    I made sure i taunted after every kill on the assassins. They just came one after another fell short for my charge, grapples and awesome beard.

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